posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by xDeadcowx
star for you and i wish i could give ya more
and, to add to the mix ... out of curiosity, i clicked the "state listing link" above just to see if my CU was listed ... not surprising, it isn't
there ... but i know why and i think you do but i'm wondering about that Rhenn person.
there is sooooo much propaganda in the mix, i don't know how the younger generation sifts it, i really don't.
Credit Unions owned by their members are generally free-standing (meaning they are not a 'department' of the bank, some are online, some are
brick&mortar but you'll never find one in the lobby of a bank, seldom in the same building as a bank) and they do not participate in the "League"
that lobby Capitol Hill (the state listing are CUs that do).
as proof and example, here is a link to the (member-owned) CU i've participated with since 91 (and you won't find them on any of the lists above)
... current statement period ended 9/30 ...
good luck to all, make your moves wisely and be sure to know who truly owns the CU you choose.
@Rhenn --> boy 'o boy, they sure have you fooled, don't they?