posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by onfire49
Yes, we are not all prone to be groupies. These guys are always the same. They surround themselves with young groupies who kiss their feet.
I'll give you more ammunition. That episode of Ventura's show that got pulled if you have seen it? He took Ventura to the field where the crypt liner
manufacturer keeps their inventory between shipments, knowing full well what it was and told him they were multi-person coffins the government was
going to use when they declare Martial Law. He knew long before that the truth about what they were. He is also spreading lies about the camps that do
not exist like the one he lies about that is supposed to be 48 east of anchorage on the train tracks. Problem is that area is not only visible to all
civilians, it's flown over by hundreds of tourist flights coming out of Anchorage and there is nothing there even remotely like a prison camp. He is a
total fraud.
You might look for a video where he showed up and took over a legal Protest in Arizona. He was invited, declined, then he showed up, pulled out a
bullhorn and tried to take over. On tape he told the people who's protest it was they did not know what they were doing kept on taking it over. He's
as fake as they come.
You can't convince groupies though that their messiah is a fake. They don't care how many times he is outed by his own actions.
edit on
10/20/2011 by Blaine91555 because: (no reason given)