posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:16 PM
The image speaks for itself, according to the official campaign and FEC reports, Ron Paul raised $8.2 MILLION dollars from 100,000 individual donors,
MSNBC decided to include the amount of $3.7M while $100K less than Bachmann's $3.8M, he was still ranked third. WHY? Possibly a last minute change
to make him look bad.
None of the other candidates had mistakes in their Q3 fundraising numbers, ONLY Ron Paul.
Coincidence? decide for yourself.
This video is SOOO ironic when you watch it, they're talking about how Herman Cain can't win because he can't fundraise, they're EMPHASIZING the
importance of having funds when they're censoring the truth about Ron Paul's funds. That is seriously retarded....
Sorry if this link doesn't work, I just switched to CHROME and its not copying the image URL but watch the video.
p.s. how do I make the image show directly on the forums? or is it impossible?
edit on 19-10-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason
edit on 19-10-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no reason given)
edit on 19-10-2011 by eLPresidente because: (no
reason given)