posted on Sep, 7 2008 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Azador
ATS and BTS images are limited to 600 pixels width.
While I was writing this post I decided to make a little investigation of how to post the images with the right size for the page but keeping it
"clickable", and this is what I found.
1 - Click on the "hyperlink" button, to post a link.
2 - When it asks for a name type something, I usually use 'zzzzz' or 'xxxx'.
3 - When it asks for the URL paste or type the image URL.
4 - Back on the text box where you are writing your post, select the text you entered (the 'zzzzz' or 'xxxx' in the above example) and click on
the "image" button. When it asks for the URL type or paste the URL for the image.
5 - Now replace the [img] and [/img] tags with [ats=600x???] and [/ats], where ??? is the height of your image proportional to the 600
pixels width.
It would look like this:
for a result like this.
It may be a little confusing, but it works.
Edited for spelling.
[edit on 7/9/2008 by ArMaP]