posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 03:41 AM
Im feeling the urge to start a thread about this question that I see no real answer to.
I can tell you I saw this coming, the protests, people awakening and getting pissed at the system. I think most of us did actually.
Now we`re seeing the result of that anger and frustratiton with OWS now being seen in every corner of the world and getting violent in some of those
corners. And with that comes the question what is actually going to happen next and how is it going to happen?
The way I see it, this as everything else is planned and is in fact a big and maybe final step towards a new world order. Protests all over the world
and the violence seem unavoidable, it really feels like a matter of time before TPTB implement whatever plans they have for us. At least thats how I
feel. Im just having a hard time picturing what exactly is going to happen and where/when its going to start when the crap REALLY hits the fan.
Is martial law going to be declared in citys around the world starting a sort of chain reaction where the final stage will be presented in the form of
a new currency for all countries and changes in our daily life with more restrictions and the implementation of a worldwide police state, RFID and
everything we have been discussing here for the past years?
Im left with alot of questions and no answers when trying to see the big picture and the future we are facing.
It would be interesting to hear your thoughts on this as I know there still are people that have hope out there, even though im not one of you.
Bottom line. I believe we are truly screwed and im interested in your view of the situation and how all of this is going to play out in the next
couple of months.
Many questions here. I hope this is enough basis to start some form of debate. Im aware of the fact that all we really can do right now is guess, but
it is interesting none the less.
edit on 19-10-2011 by darksky because: (no reason given)
edit on 19-10-2011 by darksky because: (no reason given)