posted on Jan, 12 2012 @ 05:17 AM
Some things that always concerned me...
If there's evil in this world looking to manipulate, surely it would actively seek us out? If it is satans intention to trick us, nor he or his
followers seem very active in this regard. I've never had a satanist or occultist of any kind push any beliefs on me.
On the other hand I've had many-c-christstian do so. I find it repugnant and down right insulting when someone states that they will pray for me.
Saying you will pray for someone because you disagree with their views, the concept itself, is a tool that christians use to bring people down,
spiritually, whilst trying to elevate themselves...spiritually. A tool that christians are programmed to use against anyone who doesn't conform to
their belief system.
It is the church that actively seeks to recruit...not the occult. People find and develop an interest in the occult usually on their own, through
curiosity. People find the church through pressure...through idiots making remarks like "I'll pray for you", "you're lost", etc.
Personally, I believe that if there is a god or higher being he will not look for you, he will not seek you out or seek to pressure you into accepting
him in your life, this isn't choice or free will. The beauty of finding and loving god is surely doing so through free will.
I doubt, if he/she exists, that he/she would be happy knowing that most people only really profess to give a damn because they were basically
pressured into doing so...if there is a god, do people really think they can trick him/her into belieing they have an inherant, profound love for them
despite the fact that it was programmed or pressured into them? Surely, god would know by which path you came to him? I'm not saying that spreading
the word of god is wrong, but attacking people spiritually to bring them down and make them feel as if they're somehow spiritually sick is nothing
short of disgusting.
If thee's a god he knows what is in your heart and in your soul, your relationship with him/her is a personal one, and if the intention is loving and
good then it matters not the path you take.
Stop bashing people's beliefs...for a belief system that preaches tolerance, turn the other cheek, christianity often has a funny way of
practising the values it preaches. Praying for someone against their will is not only intolerant, it's down right rude and insulting - it's a
spiritual attack and one that has been quite effective for a long time.