posted on Apr, 13 2003 @ 04:54 PM
If Saddam had alien technology, we would all be dead right now Posted by Tetsuo
Well, the same could be said of the US, if we had alien tech from Roswell, why havent we taken over the Soviet Union?
2 possibilities:
1, If Saddam had alien tech, it would likely be some stuff dug up from the far perhistoric eras. In such a scenario, I find it hard to believe any
such tech would be in operational condition, leaving Iraq with the option of reverse engineering it into something useful. For that, he would need a
whole herd of scientists, and a facility to do all his research at. Any such facility, underground or not, would attract a lot of attention, as would
any concentration of especially bright scientists in Iraq.
2, No such tech exists, and it was a cover story for something else.
(My personal opinion is that UFOs may, and likely do exist, and the US has had some kind of interaction with them. However, I believe the vast
majority of Area 51 equipment/X Craft are based on Human made technology, spawned by the genius of Nikola Tesla at the turn of the century.)