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Hundreds Arrested At 'Occupy' Events In Chicago, Denver, Arizona, As Movement Spreads Accross U.S.

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:47 AM
Hey ATS,

Wonderful story to wake up to this morning. I myself participated in the Occupy New Brunswick protests on Saturday and Sunday in Moncton, New Brunswick, had a turnout of almost 400 at it's peak. Anybody familiar with the area will know how good that number is for something like this.

Hundreds of demonstrators were arrested in Chicago and other cities on Saturday night and Sunday morning, as the anti-corporate fury from the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York continue to spread across the country.

Shortly after 1 a.m. in Chicago, police arrested some 175 protesters who had set up a makeshift tent city and formed a human chain in Congress Plaza by Grant Park, according to a report in the Chicago Tribune.

The arrests were mostly peaceful, the report said, although police did face chants of "Shame on you!" and "This is what democracy looks like!" from some of the estimated 500 protesters in the crowd, many of whom were sitting on the ground with their arms interlocked.

I've seen a few youtube videos of protesters denying LEO's the ability to arrrest them by simply shouting "Shame on You!" and it's wonderful to see the people taking power back like that.

I'd like to ask why [New York Mayor Michael] Bloomberg let the people stay in the park peacefully and clean up their own mess, and Rahm Emanuel won't let us do the same," demonstrator Joseph Eichler, 23, told the Tribune.

I have to say, where's Rham's sense of American Justice? You'd think he would like to keep his new constituency happy? The quote really cracked me up.

As for the arrests, I'm not too suprised, that's the only way that the government and those in power know how to deal with civil disobedience. I don't think they realize just how far people are willing to take this. If we can continue these peacefull protests and sit ins, we might actually be able to accomplish real change, together as a people as opposed to with a silver tongued politician.



edit on 10/17/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Peacable or not, this should signal more than hundreds of people being upset ( not the arrested) -- it should mean riots.

I am serious.

What does being arrested mean? A bit of a post on ATS.

to get the MSN involved, we need a 100% revolution, THIS IS NOT A DOUBT.

or else, tomorow no one will even care.. or remember, sad to say.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

I disagree. People will forget far sooner if there is violence. That's what people are use to. These demonstrations and this change must be done peacefully, by our willingness to sit there and chant and stomp our feet and occupy, until we are listened to.

First They Ignore You
Then They Laugh At You
Then They Fight With You

Then You Win


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Things are sure getting interesting around the world. According to this article, thousands have been arrested in the U.S. alone. It's Press TV so take it with a grain of salt.

2,000 OWS Protesters Nabbed In US

I think people will eventually get sick of seeing their fellow citizens getting rounded up like sheep. This isn't going away until it is acknowledged and police interference is only going to make things worse.
edit on 17-10-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: spelling

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Not on this scale. I believe that if the number of people involved are sufficient, it shouldn't even need to get to that level - but we're seeing on a scale not seen before in recent times, government/law interference on a level unseen recently, towards a people united towards a common goal.

And they are being shut down en masse.

I dont see a peaceful way to protest against this violence. Hundreds arrested - are they all guilty, or are those arresting them they just using their government applied power to provide this? You have to understand that. The law is saying - the ptpb is saying they have ultimate power and the people have none.

Peaceful protesters arrested, as you say - what can you do against such absolute.. lets call it what it is, Tyranny.


edit on 17/10/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: slight edit, to the "those arresting" part - clarification

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:13 AM
Lets not forget these, when somebody pushed, be aware, he can push back too.

When those in charge want to stay in charge, he will make anything to assure he stay in charge.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by NullVoid

What really changed in this, however?

Made lots of news, but what changed for the people there?


This is my point -- 99% of the world blinks when the 1% have a sook.

it will take MORE than just yelling slogans, or 1 man standing on front of a tank, before you see REAL change.

Sadly, it will take much much more...
edit on 17/10/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:01 AM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

The arrests are an intimidation tactic, one that will eventually run out of steam. Police Departments don't have the man power, the paperwork or the patience to arrest 700 protesters in every large city every week. Remember this is an occupation, not a protest.

It's unfortunate that you believe violence is the answer, I completely disagree with you. If anything no violent protest has ever solved anything. It's just increased the violence on both sides. If we start to riot, we only give them the excuse they need to beat and trample us more than they already have.

Why give them the moral high ground? Why not make them look like fools every time they arrest a peacefull group of citizens who are doing nothing but voicing their opinion and frustration?

That's what is happening now, and it must continue, until the cops realize they are part of the 99% and stand our our side. It won't take very long don't you worry. They are just pampered slaves like the rest of us.


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:04 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Im sure in the past, if there was more talk and less action America would be where it is today.

You'd still be a British colony.

Like us.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:07 AM
I dont believe that the movement needs violence but it definitely needs some actual physical action from the people.

People are staying within the lines and afraid to break ANY laws.
This is suposed to be a fight against the authority, you HAVE to go against authority to fight against them or you have lost and they shrug this movement off like the slightly bothersome thing it is for them.
On top of that, you're giving the authority overtime pay.

Occupy private government land, it makes more sense.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Ha`la`tha

Well I'm Canadian, who technially is a Socialist Democratic Monarchy, even though that last part is only symbolic.

You know, this begs the question, do you want to see violence in the streets? Would that encourage you to go out and protest with your citizens? Why? How could that be productive, under any sense of the term?

Who are you rioting against, who are you going to target? The rich people? Which rich people? The 1% who don't care about your little riots? The people that will be hurt will be members within the 99% as their shops and cars get set on fire and people are arrested and killed for breaking the law.

It makes absolutely no sense to be violent, not in today's world, it's not necessary. There are more of us than there are of them, pure and simple. Have you been to one of these events? Have you seen the demographic?

It's all people from different walks of life and you have to really be there to understandt the kind of energy this is. It's not your average protest. This is a real movement, and I suggest you go out and experience it before you tell people that violence is required.

That's dangerous thinking.

edit on 10/17/2011 by tothetenthpower because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

I agree and hope more people follow your example. Violence is not the answer! They want the protesters to give them a reason to end this inconvenience quickly and with a good excuse (riot) so they can show the public that organizing against them is not something you want to be part of. They need just one simple negative response from the protesters to turn this entire movement in their direction. I really don't understand why so many think it would be best to solve these issues with violence. Some of the the comments I have seen floating around since OWS started are terrifying. This is not something that will happen overnight! We need to stand together peacefully and breathe down their necks until our voices are heard no matter how long it takes. We need to prove to ourselves and TPTB that we write the history and not the other way around.

We have the power to change the world but lets do it peacefully!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:21 AM
If they were to occupy private government land such as the front lawn of the Fed building, they would all be arrested just for being there.

They wouldn't have to do any violence to be arrested.
So then the police put thousands of people into jail, which would cause problems in the markets.
When those people get out they go and do it again.
Now THAT would be something that would annoy the elite, that would be something they would have to listen to the people in order to put an end to it.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:58 AM
There no need for violence, but I IMHO OWS will not work either.

There are a few more way to do this but will require a huge paradigm shift in way of thinking and that 99% Americans have to endure it to see result.

OWS will not go anywhere, it will just annoy the government and sooner or later it will cease.

So what actually can/should be done ?
Actually its simple - quit and refrain from becoming part of the system (paradigm shift).
When everyone become like an amish for a year and the economy destroyed, then the 1% and the one who have power will bow to the demand.

Just browse the thread and look for the pic about using branded/"by corporation" while protesting, thats what I mean. Theyre revolting against inequality, yet they support it in grassroot (buying, consume and making the 1% richer).

Quit occupy and wasting time there; and stop using "by corporation", withdraw from stocks/trading,
takeout money and keep it under the pillow, become like an amish then the 1% will start to open their eyes.

Starving the economy is the correct way and should start now. These occupy will lead to nowhere.
Distribute/campaign the idea please.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by NullVoid

Your argument is true, however the first stage in OWS has to be a consistent stream of information pertaining to the reasons why it is important for an individual to be involved. There are too many people wrapped in a media controlled safe zone and corporate built environment to understand that they are continuously fed the short straw.
The second stage should be exactly what you suggested. You can't put out a fire with fuel. If people want to hit'em where it hurts then they shouldn't support what is destroying their way of life. Some protesters that you see in the movement videos are wearing expensive clothes and using iphones to film police brutality. Most of whom likely used a major bank card to purchase those items. Everyone needs to first understand the problem before any effective action can be taken. Supporting local businesses and becoming as self sufficient as possible would be a good start. For example, growing your own food or cutting fuel consumption.

I believe what is happening now with OWS is where it all has to begin. The TPTB have the upper hand. They are in control of our communications. They will do their best to turn us against each other but we cannot let them decide our fate any longer. We have to stand peacefully against them and use brains over brawn. We are the masses! Right now they are praying this thing just goes away because they know they can't win as long as the protesters keep it nonviolent.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:32 AM
OWS will get to nowhere, however, yes, its a good start.

I suggest the next step is to establish a deadline and proceed with the 2nd step.
I suggest 11/11 as final day, if theres no respond from TPTB, then proceed. Nothing special about that date btw, just a symbolic gesture of equality (all 1).

2nd step is a new way to express. Here a suggestion:
Dollar Null Void (credits to me!

How ?
Simply resist to use dollar as a value exchanger, it is just a linen cloth + paper + something printed on it.
Substitute dollar with:
BitCoin, Canadian dollar, Silver dollar, print your own money (I believe its legal as long not resemble dollar), anything else other than dollar. Stop supporting it, trash the source of inequality.

Why ?
So the 1% billions of $ = 1% billions of linen cloth and paper, pretty useless.

Money/dollar is based on trust. The 99% cannot trust the money anymore due to unequality. Remove the dollar and things will be back to equal.

Supporting cause:
Dollar is all time shrinking, why bother keeping it ? Null void it!
Dollar Substitute

I dont have access to the movement, so please spread the idea for everyone consideration.

edit on 18-10-2011 by NullVoid because: Add link

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