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Occupy London - POLICE are told to move on. Protesters welcome to sit near cathedral!

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:50 AM
If they find even the smallest speck of spray paint, or one single scratch on the brickwork of the cathedral, I hope the police expose them to brutality like they have never experienced before.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by Pregnant
If they find even the smallest speck of spray paint, or one single scratch on the brickwork of the cathedral, I hope the police expose them to brutality like they have never experienced before.

But those tonnes of industrial pollution, that no one ever asked for, which has just been cleaned off St Paul's at great expense, was a totally fine form of defacement? What about the hundreds of thousands of Londoners who died due to that pollution? And the many who still suffer due to our marvelous industrial leaders? (i.e sociopaths getting rich off wage slavery).

It is that form of underlying, profit driven, state ingrained "industrial pollution" (both physical and mental) that these people are trying to eliminate - for everyone's good!

Your willingness to support brutality over imaginary graffiti is worrying and uncivilized. The English Church has a concept taken from the Christian bible called Usury, perhaps you should look it up?

Usury overthrows trade, decays merchandise, undoes tillage, destroys craftsmen, defaces chivalries, beats down nobility, brings dearth and famine, and causes destruction and confusion.
Thomas Wilson 1569
edit on 18-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by yampa

Originally posted by Pregnant
If they find even the smallest speck of spray paint, or one single scratch on the brickwork of the cathedral, I hope the police expose them to brutality like they have never experienced before.

But those tonnes of industrial pollution, that no one ever asked for, which has just been cleaned off St Paul's at great expense, was a totally fine form of defacement?

It is that form of underlying, sociopathic, state ingrained "industrial pollution" (both physical and mental) that these people are trying to eliminate - for everyone's good!

Your willingness to support brutality over imaginary graffiti is worrying and uncivilized.

When you say "industrial pollution" (both physical and mental) what you are really saying is that you don't want people to live in a capitalist system where they are free to spend their money on whatever they want.

I support brutality anywhere and everywhere where communists/socialists are trying to promote their ideology.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by AnonymousFem

I emailed a request to the BBC for more coverage of the occupy wall street and occupy london x
however as usual I will get no response ,for I have been blacklisted by the BBC for calling out their biased
reports on overseas conflicts

I would be out in london right now at occupuy london x , however I am financially unfit to take time off work
I would end up with no food to support me or my fiance'

However my holiday entitlement is coming round in febuary and will make sure to book time off for major protests happening next year .
edit on 18-10-2011 by sapien82 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:34 AM

Originally posted by Pregnant
I support brutality anywhere and everywhere where communists/socialists are trying to promote their ideology.

Given this stance, I suspect you simply don't know how capitalism, communism or socialism has been enacted on real people in real life. You could not adopt that engineered 'anti-commie' stance without having been mislead by propaganda from both the Western states and the supposed Communists. None of those ideologies have actually been reflected in the real history, especially not the imaginary Free Trade™ that you no doubt attribute to your own preferred states.

People don't want your violence, stop smoking the Crime Scene Investigation pipe a while.

St Paul's is an excellent location for a protest against wanton money lenders.
If you are pro Usury, then you are anti-Church - in which case, what's it got to do with you whether the Church is marked or not?

Again, read about Usury before you fake defending the Church:
edit on 18-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by AnonymousFem

If the MSM no longer are reporting what's happening in Japan, what makes you think they are going to cover this for months on end?
One thing I've noticed, not only with MSM, but with the populace in general, is that they lose interest after about a week. And more often than not, if it goes longer with no results, a backlash happens.

So expect a backlash at some point if nothing of substance comes from the OWS protests.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by AnonymousFem
I'm just saying that you are complaining that the BBC and "mainstream" media is not covering the story, but they are - and have been since it started. Why are you writing letters of complaint when you do not have a grievance?

The fact that the "Occupy London" is not on the front page anymore is because there are more important things of wider interest to be reported. At the moment, the BBC website is reporting as "top stories"

UK inflation rate rises to 5.2%
Shalit back in Israel after swap
Facebook riot appeals rejected
Arrest over four miners' deaths
Police domestic abuse care rapped
Liam Fox 'had been warned'


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by yampa

Originally posted by Pregnant
I support brutality anywhere and everywhere where communists/socialists are trying to promote their ideology.

Given this stance, I suspect you simply don't know how capitalism, communism or socialism has been enacted on real people in real life. You could not adopt that engineered 'anti-commie' stance without having been mislead by propaganda from both the Western states and the supposed Communists. None of those ideologies have actually been reflected in the real history, especially not the imaginary Free Trade™ that you no doubt attribute to your own preferred states.

People don't want your violence, stop smoking the Crime Scene Investigation pipe a while.

St Paul's is an excellent location for a protest against wanton money lenders.
If you are pro Usury, then you are anti-Church - in which case, what's it got to do with you whether the Church is marked or not?

Again, read about Usury before you fake defending the Church:
edit on 18-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

I'm not defending the church, I'm defending an iconic landmark of our city. St Pauls is a beautiful building, one that has stood the test of time, and the thought of some layabout rentamob socialist scum using it as a toilet, or defacing it makes me sick.

When is the left going to stop trying to convince the rest of the world that what we have seen you do isn't "real socialism"? You must think we are as stupid as you are.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Flighty

Expect a Backlash? It has already begun with Sky news bring on Sheeples such as that dude you seen in the Video I posted. And also like William Hague who has a cheek, saying it was the wrong way to go about things. How dare he, if they listened in the first place then there would be no need for protests now would there.

I am just Glad there are people in the positions, of influence who do support the protest, and long may it continue.
edit on 18-10-2011 by AnonymousFem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by Pregnant

I beg your pardon?

I would rather sit with those people who are camped out Side St Paul's Cathedral, than sit and drink champagne with the Criminal Scum, such as the bankers and the political Elite who have raped the Tax Payer not once but twice, and who have let small businesses go down the tubes.

If that makes me Socialist Scum then so be it I am proud of it.
And if you don't see that we are wakening up not just the left as you put it, but ordinary citizens on the UK. Who are joining this protest, then you are then one who is Stupid as you stated in your comments.
edit on 18-10-2011 by AnonymousFem because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Pregnant
I'm not defending the church, I'm defending an iconic landmark of our city. St Pauls is a beautiful building, one that has stood the test of time, and the thought of some layabout rentamob socialist scum using it as a toilet, or defacing it makes me sick.

It's iconic, but you don't understand what the icons mean? Just like you're apparently interested in economic freedom, but don't understand when and where that freedom has taken place?

Give up the right vs left nursery rhyme, please. Everyone is being screwed over by the current system, unless you happen to be in the top 5%, and it has been that way for 30 years. Real wages for the middle classes in Britain haven't grown for 30 years, and they have declined badly for many in the USA. Why are you supporting these people? Given that you are posting here, I find it extremely unlikely you are in the top 5%.

Have a look at the polls for the Occupy Wall Street protests on here? You will find that your negative opinion is drastically outnumbered by those who support these protests, this is coming from both the left and the right - EVERYONE is being screwed over by these irresponsible, lying, gambling sociopaths. Why do you support them?
edit on 18-10-2011 by yampa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:24 AM
Well now seems the the Reverend at St Paul's has had a change of heart. He now want the protestors to move on from the site where St Paul's is situated due to Health and Safety. I do wonder if any pressure has come from the Police or the Government to have this Reverend to change his mind.

St Paul's Cathedral is to close to visitors because of the anti-capitalist demonstrators camping on its doorstep, its dean has said.

The decision was taken with "heavy hearts" for health and safety reasons, said the Reverend Graeme Knowles.

The Occupy London Stock Exchange movement has been located in Paternoster Square since Saturday after being barred from the Stock Exchange.

Occupy London

If the protestors refuse to move. I can see confrontations with the police occurring.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by AnonymousFem
And also like William Hague who has a cheek, saying it was the wrong way to go about things. How dare he, if they listened in the first place then there would be no need for protests now would there.

But if they listened to the people who are protesting, and did what they want, then the people who are not protesting (because they dont want what the current protestors want) would then start protesting ......

It's not a case of all the people v the govt. It's some of the people v the govt.

And the question then is: should some of the people be allowed to dictate policy? I certainly did not elect them to represent me. They certainly do not represent my views. I disagree with them. So I'd rather the Govt listened to me instead

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by AnonymousFem
I do wonder if any pressure has come from the Police or the Government to have this Reverend to change his mind.

Why would you wonder that when he's made it quite clear the reasons for his change of heart?

Beleive it or not, people do recognise they have made a mistake of their own accord sometimes. We're not all mindless sheeple

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by Essan

Originally posted by AnonymousFem
I do wonder if any pressure has come from the Police or the Government to have this Reverend to change his mind.

Why would you wonder that when he's made it quite clear the reasons for his change of heart?

Beleive it or not, people do recognise they have made a mistake of their own accord sometimes. We're not all mindless sheeple

It has not been made 'quite clear', a report was produced internally and has been kept private. The only official justification is that the protesters were causing a 'health and safety' problem - except this not a very good excuse as proper fire barriers and access channels to the church have been organised for days. The Fire Service has no outstanding objections.

You are also quite wrong if you think the majority is against financial reform, an end to casino banking and fantasy economics. Not sure where on earth you get the idea that it's a case of outliers vs standard public opinion.

Cable was speaking against a backdrop of an ITN/ComRes poll showing 67% of the British public are now pessimistic about the future of the UK economy, the highest percentage since the index began. Pessimism has increased steadily month by month since the figure stood at 49% this time last year. Just one in five, 22%, is optimistic about the future of the UK economy compared with 37% last October.

The poll found that as a result of the cut, 50% of the public are being forced to make changes to their lifestyle and nearly half (48%) believe their standard of living has deteriorated since October 2010.

Three quarters (73%) say the cost of living nowadays makes them feel concerned about their future and drastically, one in three (34%) agree that things are so bad in Britain they would consider moving abroad.

Less than a third of the public (30%) think the coalition is good for Britain, with half (48%) believing it is bad for the nation. Support has dropped over the course of the year.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by Essan
And the question then is: should some of the people be allowed to dictate policy? I certainly did not elect them to represent me. They certainly do not represent my views. I disagree with them. So I'd rather the Govt listened to me instead

Isn't this the point of the whole exercise? Neither the stated ideologies of the politicians or the public are deciding economic policy. Business is deciding policy. Which MP do you suggest I vote for to get something done about that? Did you get to vote for how Goldman Sachs uses its endless resources?

Freedom and rights are never handed down from those in power willingly - all history has shown that it must be demanded by the people, and popular protest movements have always been part of that. You demean the whole history of social justice with your insidious, corny 'sheeple' comment.

The Church should be sticking up for these people, not giving support to usurers, cheats and liars.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Essan

Yes but they still bailed out the Banks a 2nd Time. And who do you think is going to foot the bill when that fails? Us the Taxpayer. Here is a question for you,

Are you not sick of them being bailed out all the time? While the rest of us suffer, while they in the criminal banking services still receive an obscene amount of money as bonuses.

Are you a parent? How did you feel when the fees for University College etc rocketed. Prices in the high street rocketed. Fuel prices rocketed, need I continue?

Or are you basically stating the rich are getting richer, screw the rest of them who are loosing their jobs and who are becoming poorer?

At least those who are protesting in London are trying to do something. Unlike politicians, whom I may add the public distrust nowadays.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:06 AM
It seems that the protest in London might be facing problems. If the City of London gets its way.

The City of London Corporation is considering legal action to move the Occupy protesters camped outside St Paul's Cathedral.

Greg Williams from the City of London Corporation told Sky News Online that although the square mile will accommodate legitimate protest, the heavily used public highway "is not a place for camping".

Sky News

posted on Feb, 27 2012 @ 06:57 PM

From here in London they are now being moved out

Heres is a live stream..

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