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3 Types of Wall Street Protesters Hurting Their Own Cause

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:48 AM
Had to share this, even though it's coming from I found this part particularly intriguing:

Hating capitalism is not on the table. This is America. Capitalism defines our history, our economy, and our national psyche And the purpose of this protest cannot be a naive attempt to change the very souls of American businesspeople. To punish businesses for their greed. It's the wrong message and counterproductive. Call me jaded, but I thought we all just took it for granted that businesses are amoral creatures driven by profit. Being enraged at Corporate America for being greedy is like reading and being enraged by its use of the list format. This is who we are.

In the America I thought I lived in, we expect business-people to be driven by profit, but we rely on our Government to protect us from those abuses. We expect Government to set laws to govern what a business can and cannot do. Government can establish a minimum wage, ban child labor, and tax imports. Government can enact rules against predatory lending or . .. anything if it has the support of the people. And we expect our government to keep us safe from this cold unfeeling beast we call capitalism with things like food stamps, Medicaid, unemployment benefits, and social security.

Isn't that the relationship we've all agreed on because it makes sense?

If you visited the zoo and your whole family were mauled to death by several ferocious tigers, would you march to Indonesia, protesting the insatiable blood-lust of tigers? Would you seek to have tigers removed from the zoo even though they're the biggest attraction, selling the most tickets and keeping everyone in business? Or would you just, y'know, be furious because the Zoo forgot to lock the cages? I thought we all knew tigers were dangerous and we agreed we'd keep them around anyway because we had competent zookeepers and big steel bars.


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:26 AM
When in the last 38 years of my life has the government EVER required the support of the people to enact any legislation? The only support I've ever known them to need was financial support for election campaign funding. We know where most of that comes from.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by buskey

lack of moderation and wisdom can make any system look bad.

the financial sector is bleeding the real economy to death, and our zoo keepers have for so long catered to every special interest group, that the animals' appetites can no longer be satiated.

governance is lacking in regulating the financial sector, the fleecing continues.

eventually a detonator will give direction to the mob, as History shows.

will the detatoner be a war, a bailout, scandal, assasination, only the future knows.

but, with the USA living a moment of dysfunction in governance, and with the Congress not willing to give Obama anything, the occupy movement could be with us for quite a while.


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