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Realizing That You Only Have Things In Common With Someone Behind A Computer!

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posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:29 PM
I have been a member for quite a long time, I have made quite a few friends, and maybe some not so much. When I think of how important some things are that are discussed here, I find that in my day to day life, I cannot identify with anyone other then here on ATS.

I have learned so much from members, we have shared good and bad, funny photos, skype, chat, U2U's, friends lists, and foes alike. I seem to be separating more and more for others that have nothing of substance to say, or discuss. I dont need doom and gloom, but it is getting harder and harder to find anything to talk about.

Well... I guess what I am saying is that I appreciate those that I have come to know here, and that I think that as long as we can share, relate, discuss, and understand, that maybe everything wont be so bad after all.

I guess this is my open U2U to ATS mod's, members, and yes even the ones that we get on each others nerves, that every once in a while you have to just say thank you, for being a part of my research, and believe it or not, every single thread that I read, reply, or even disagree with , it becomes part of my mind, and I just think I need to relay that

Your ATS Friend,

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:51 PM
I know EXACTLY what you mean NRE.....I sometimes feel as if the only people who truly understand what I'm saying are the people here. Many times, when I try to talk with people close to me in "real life" about anything deeper than what's on TV that night, I just get a blank look. I have made some great friends here, and it's strange, but I sometimes turn to my friends here, before I do those I know personally. I love the way there are so many different ideas and thoughts brought out on this site. There are some amazing people here, and some very smart ones as well. So I would also like to thank all my ATS friends....whether you realize it or not, you have all left an impression on me and I hope that in some small way, I have been able to do the same for you. In many ways, we are very similar to an "alternate" family....when our real life family doesn't "get us"
Luv to all of you....even those who I butt heads with sometimes

edit on 10/16/2011 by StealthyKat because: sp

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I would be worried about that if I were you.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

That's just because you need to find some smarter people.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 03:58 PM
I totally feel that exact same way. I feel like I've been living three lives. The one on here, one with my friends, and the other around my family. I've never been able to have a serious conversation with anyone in real life except for two people. My entire life, there has only been two people that have been able to keep up with what I'm talking about. Lately I've been feeling like an outsider to everyone and any conversation. It's nothing but hours of confused mockings and understandings of what is going on with the world. I just don't feel connected to anyone in real life anymore because I don't have anything in common with these people anymore. I feel like I've been growing up way past their consciousness and I'm understanding the world in ways they could never understand.

As of lately, I feel like this is the only place that "gets it" which is sad and good. It's sad because it's the same thread every 2 hours. Same stuff, different day. So that gets boring after a day. But it's also good because without a place like this, I wouldn't have learned how to view the world with a grain of salt, to realize that some people on here are really super smart individuals, to realize some people are super smart individuals that are diluted by things they cannot learn to take with a grain of salt. It's this website that has made me learn, made me thirst for knowledge, made me give a crap about my generation and life.

So thank you for being on here, for contributing the way you do. For being you.

edit on 16-10-2011 by Absco because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by Absco

I think that the reason is because there are basically two types of people. There are those who ask a question, get an answer, and accept that answer. Then there are people who ask a question, get an answer, then have questions about the answer....that would be the type of people who come to ATS. Personally, I have been thay way my whole life. I think we are the minority, and that's why we don't seem to find that in most people we encounter in real life. I have a couple of friends who are like that, but in my lifetime, I haven't encountered many. I don't understand people who DON'T want to understand things better. At a site like this, people come here to find like minded people, so we feel free to express ourselves. So it's only natural that we feel a bond. We talk about things at a level that would bore most people to tears sometimes
But guess what? We are the kind of people who do the work for the ones who just sit back and wait to be spoon fed info about their world. I find that extremely BORING. I love hearing all the different points of view.... even the ones that tick me off.

edit on 10/16/2011 by StealthyKat because: uggggh

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 04:26 PM
Aw, I bet COINTELPRO is touched by your warm appreciation of their contributions to your mind. I'm applying this to the internet as a whole and not just ATS.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by StealthyKat
But guess what? We are the kind of people who do the work for the ones who just sit back and wait to be spoon fed info about their world. I find that extremely BORING. I love hearing all the different points of view.... even the ones that tick me off.

Agreed. Funny thing is, if we do this right, we learn more from the people we disagree with than the ones we agree with. I like reading the posts of certain ATS members just so I can try to understand how anyone could really think that way. I can tell that they are intelligent, and sometimes I really have to think long and hard to try to understand how their views can be so different than mine. Good mental exercise, if nothing else.

The only ones that really annoy me are the ones who post stupid stuff just to get a rise out of people. And the name calling. I never see the point in calling someone sheeple, or racist, or anti-semetic, or liberal, etc., etc. That just puts up a barrier to the exchange of ideas, which to me is the whole point of being here. That and getting news you don't find on TV.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 06:11 PM
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

Right....but you know, the people who do those types of things are probably lonely bitter people who can't relate to anyone other than to provoke them....and that in itself is sad. On the other could be a little punk who needs a good kick in the pants hehe.....

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

That sort of person, I could understand, though. You can usuall tell the bitter type. You get a general sense of pessimism from them about everything. No need to waste a lot of thought on them. And of course, being the internet, you are going to get those who are just less mature. Once again, pretty easy to spot, but you want to treat them a little differently. You can gently encourage them by being reasonable and respectful, you know, just showing them how it should be done. Who knows, they may become a stellar performer on ATS one day, and they can pass along what they have learned.

I guess what disappoints me is to see otherwise intelligent posters who just let their tempers get the better of them. For example, one particular poster (no names) I watched several of his posts. Although I often disagreed with what he had to say, I was impressed by the way he would present his posts with sources and logic. I could tell he had a certain bias on some issues, but I could understand that.

The problem was that he would get involved in certain heated topics, trying to explain his points, and invariably someone would flame him a little. He would respond in kind, and the whole thread degenerated into one of "those" threads where there was hardly anything more than insults and name-calling. Nobody listening to anyone.

I tried to engage him during a thread like that which was starting to go downhill. I guess he went into one of those defensive modes, and, you know how that goes. Well, I sent him a U2U to let him know that I respected his opinions, I was interested in what he had to say, and I wasn't trying to be insulting or anything. He understood, he appreciated the communication, we continued our discussion for a bit in a more civilized manner, and I wound up putting him on my friends list. I think at the time they didn't have an "Honored Foe" type status, which I think would have been more appropriate since we seemed to disagree on more things that we agreed on. Somewhere along the line, my friends list got erased and I haven't gotten around to rebuilding it.

I think I've been rambling a bit here and I apologize for that. I guess my point is that I believe ATS is an important site. And for those of us who realize how important this site is should try to encourage everyone here to be supportive of each other. Especially those with whom we might disagree. Because if we let this site be taken over juvenile behavior, intentional or not, we're going to lose those exceptional members that make ATS worthwhile.

I'm getting off my soapbox now.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by VictorVonDoom

Very well said Victor! I agree's people who think like you that make this site great.

posted on Oct, 16 2011 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

I wish! A lot of posters here just leave me in awe. If Protoplasmic Traveler or Jean Paul Zodeaux were cult leaders I'd probably be eating a bowl of rice with a shaved head and white robe. Those guys are fantastic. Probably aliens

But thanks, flattery will get you everywhere

edit on 16-10-2011 by VictorVonDoom because: Name dropping

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