posted on Sep, 2 2004 @ 02:16 AM
Hey guys,
First, I'm sorry if I sounded too harsh before. I did not mean to sound like I didn't care about the opinions of people throughout the world. I do
care about them... and, as we all know, many of the issues that are presented on ATS have meaning for people across the globe.
I also did not intend to come across as someone who assumes that everyone who writes or communicates on the internet should, automatically, accept the
'american' viewpoint or be an american.
What i did mean to say was the following... and, please, pardon the flaws of my initial post...
In the United States we are dealing with the effect that shadowy groups called "527" groups under current US tax codes have on the american
political process. These are private factions that often choose to attack political candidates... though... because they are not officially attached
to any one politica party... they cannot be held accountable for their statements and attacks during a race. They are essentially nameless attackers
who bury policy questions beneath loads of negative assertions that have only minimal support. Think of them as unsigned, threatening letters if you
Ok... so... now that international folks know what 527s are... When I log onto ATS I see thread after thread that essentially acts the same way... all
being posted at the same time that ATS is trying to gain credibility with its "ATSNN" division. To be frank... the 'attack' aspect of online
posting is self-evident... but I just felt obliged to point out that many 'attackers' on ATS were speaking with little or no real experience of the
US. I was seeing posts that talked about how "bad" things were... from people I know have almost no current knowledge of the US political
Now... all of this would still be fine if people actually used their own names on ATS. However... such comments have been made anonymously on the
election2004 and ATSNN parts of this site. Now, I ask you, are anonymous, partisan statements to be confused with journalism? What if newspapers
just printed articles from anonymous readers that attacked individuals?
And, as I was trying to get to before... what if those articles were written overseas? Yes, everyone has a right to an opinion... but how ould
american readers feel if the New York Times printed a story by an anonymous, foreign, writer that decried an internal, domestic activity either before
or as it was happening?
I ask this because I have simply seen too many headlines that run with titles like "Bush speeech seen as failure" that are written by foreign
writers BEFORE the speech -- or action -- in question even occurs. I mean, at the risk of sounding like McCarthy, it is pretty clear that many of the
stories ATS runs as legitimate News stories are both biased and from sources that have an agenda. These stories -- or the way they are written, at
least -- can affect the American electorate. It is therefore the duty of ATS to state that such stories are 'op/ed' pieces... and that they are
written by foreign sources.
I mean, really... if ATSNN or ATS Election 2004 want to be considered legitimate news sources... they must state who the authors of their articles
are. That is a basic rule of journalism. Otherwise.... there is no way for the reader to know if they are just reading propaganda or attacks
scripted by factions that have a specific agenda within the american political system. Under the current system... a North Korean agent could write a
lot of junk on ATS that is designed to undermine the US... and we will have had no way to look into their motives.
I hope that I have made myself clear this time. I'm sorry if I sounded nationalistic before. My point is that people who want to write news stories
about the US elections should not be phantom posters without any background that can be checked. That opens the gates for raw and unhindered
Yes... everyone has the right to say what they want... but, as a matter of integrity, they should state who they 'are' when writing in one of the
news threads (for instance, I would be happy to see an Election 2004 Thread that included a statement like "I am a North Korean who has never been to
America... but..."
[edit on 2-9-2004 by onlyinmydreams]
[edit on 2-9-2004 by onlyinmydreams]