posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 04:27 PM
Hello wonderful people of ATS.
This is such an amazing site, probably the best on the Internet.
A little about myself.
I am extremely grateful for my life. I live day by day, because tommorow really does not exist.
I like to observe things. Whether it be anthills, people, or nature itself, I find all of it extremely interesting.
I am astouded how far we have come technologically. I look at buildings, cars, planes, and HD TVs, and truly, they are works of art. When I walk
down roads, I see how nature and technology almost seem to clash. It is crazy how one animal on the planet, us, makes such a huge imprint on the
world. It is crazy.
Anyway, sorry I'm probably ranting.
I am mainly interested in things of a spiritual nature, and also just good old fashioned discussion of a variety of topics. Sitting down and talking
with fellow members of our species is something we have been doing for many many many years throughout our history. It is amazing how these days we
can communicate with people from all over the world.
Hope to see ya out on the boards.
edit on 14-10-2011 by Aerosun because: minor edits.