posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 08:28 AM
I live and am most happy when I am helping others. This is usually fine. But lately, as I've joined ATS and taken a probably very unhealthy addiction
to the chat room/BTS/Off Topic communities on this forum, I'm starting to realize that helping people through the internet is a bad idea.
I am a creative individual with lots of ideas and goals. My main goal is to help others through my hands. I am an artist, and a student massage
Obviously, I cannot help internet-related communities and relationships through my massage hands. So, I love doing graphics and graphic design.
Recently I just did a bunch of graphics and forms and certificates for an organization out of NYC that is raising awareness for activities that keep
young people off the streets. The CEO was very happy with my work and if I wasn't in full time work and school right now I'd be working more with
But I slightly digress, because that's not what I'm upset about. Or was upset about.
I am talking about trying to help a person into the ATS chat room. This person was, contrary to popular belief, fully aware, from my perspective of
my actions. Maybe not as clear on my intentions but I was fully available to this person and would have ceased my mission in helping them had they
given word of their discomfort or unease. No mention was mentioned. I sally-forth-ed.
I would post pics and transcript of the conversation but that's pointless, as I could be accused then of photoshoping the chat together for my own
gains, or whatever. The last thing I want to do is start more trouble, because I don't want this person's name impinged either. Two wrongs don't
make a right.
Yes, this person hurt my name by pretending naivete, and reporting me... rather than just saying to me.... "HEY?! WTF, mate? Could you not do that?"
or "I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but I'd rather you not." ....
The person said nothing to me in our real-time conversation via Skype instant messaging. So I worked on an icon... The person told me it wasn't half
bad and gave me a thumbs up emote. Mind you during this time I wasn't making posts. This person had plenty of opportunity to tell me to stop doing
what I was doing.
I was trying to work the account up to 150 posts and then I was going to turn the account over to the person to use to get into chat room. The person
knew this. I posted in the Title Section "Temporary Account of