posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 01:43 PM
Im not sure if this has already been disscused or not but has any one heard about these unmanned ground fighting platform the (UFV) thats say about
the 10th the size of most manned ground fighting platforms that can be multi role , ie they can be fitted with weaponary for a particular task such as
mobile heavy machine gun unit, mobile air defence,radar,logistics supply transporter and many more custimisations that may be produced on the basic
unit itself , id like to know if any 1 else has heard this as i think it is a very gd idea as there are no casualties invovled for whoever is
operating these vehicle hundreds of miles away.
just hope they dont give these things A.I
Plus the drawbacks with these things i beleive may be EMP
Whats every 1's opion on this are we just going all tecky with all this mybe 1 day wars wont be casualty based but collatoraly based