posted on Mar, 9 2012 @ 04:01 PM
I believe that people should have their children vaccinated for MMR. Stories in this very thread indicate how those who aren't vaccinated can get all
three diseases- and they can be deadly- hence the reason for the vaccination in the first place.
When I was last at the doctor, the news was released that quite a few people contracted Measles at the Super Bowl. The doctor made the statement that
it was due to so many people refusing to have their children vaccinated. And, you know what? He was absolutely right.
Choose not to vaccinate your children if you like, but don't dare complain if they contract the disease you chose not to have them vaccinated for.
The question you need to ask yourself: Are the alleged risks of being vaccinated greater than the risk of your child possibly contracting the
disease? Keep in mind Americans- your exposure to unvaccinated illegal immigrants and other Americans who have chosen not to be vaccinated are much
higher these days- so minimal exposure can increase the likelihood of your child contracting a preventable disease. Whatever risks there may be in
receiving vaccinations, I believe they are much lower than the likelihood of contracting these potentially deadly and preventable diseases.
BTW, the link between autism and vaccines is a proven fraud. The study was retracted.[edi
tby]edit on 9-3-2012 by LeSigh because: (no reason given)