posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by GrandpaDave
Neat stuff and a pretty good variety for a mostly can based setup.
The author adresses appetite fatigue which I like.
Alot of folks think I got my beans and rice so I am ready for the apocalypse!
Not so true.
I have been looking for ways around apetite fatigue and lemme tell ya, there isn't much I cannot make with some masa or wheat flour, in fact in the
us, dern near everything is corn and or corn based with just a few other small additives for flavor, texture, color, Etc. well that and High Fructos
Corn Syrup, but I use honey or sugar so I avoid the big evil.
He also addressed baking powder and the components to make it!!!!
This is something I have put thought to if I ever got to a point where I ran out of yeast or baking powder.
Good stuff, and a good site, thx Papa!