Originally posted by JaqueFresco
So I'm sitting here watching the new episode of Dexter, and there is a scene where Colin Hanks and his sister are talking and she says she can't get
her fifth graders to concentrate on art, because they were talking about another mass death of birds up north, and they think it is the end of the
Could this be a subliminal message about the end of days, or am I reading too far into it... I just couldn't believe I heard her say that, but then
again, I'm not low.
Well see, heres the thing.
Dexter has no belief. He is a serial killer with a conscience, and he only kills bad people. His imaginary father teaches him the right way to go
about his dark passengers needs.
Then here you have the Anti Dexter. He is a serial killer without a conscience, and he is killing people using the religious fantasy that he has
created in his mentor. The anti dexter, his anti beliefs (I know its not been made clear yet, but I believe olmos is imaginary, just like dexters
father, except egging him on his evil journey) is just that... the opposite of dexter himself.
And now you have the man who was saved - an oxymoron to dexter, the shepherd.
The anti dexter is not predicting the end of times, he is being the religious nutter to dexters unbelieving monster... Kindred spirits, but at
opposing ends.. One kills for religious madness, the other out of a need to satisfy his dark passenger but with a kind of moral duty to only take
those evil people who deserve it.
The catalyst for dexter understanding the ultimate end is the shepherd, the man once in dexters targets, but who has found redemption - the entire
crux of the latest series.
No, it's not a prophecy... It's a bloody good story line, and one that may possible cause the end of the series - in a timely manner as opposed to
dragging it out to stupidity.
Dexter, his child, finding a sort of belief that allowes him to become a shepherd to his own son, and not the wolf that he has been - and with the
anti dexter - the opposite of everything he does, complete with fantasy father figure, and loving sister, shows him that he can change.
Brilliant season so far. a mass murderer (which is illegal EVERYWHERE) being the avatar of the owner of this website, who just sends a u2u telling us
illegal matters will not be tolerated.
edit on 10/10/2011 by Ha`la`tha because: ugh typos galore in a speed tying frantic episode