posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 09:42 PM
While I support most folks, (I DO NOT agree that socialism or communism is the answer), protesting against corrupt Wall Street and The Fed, what about
our "Home-grown" domestic terrorists: the IRS, the SS, (I mean the Department of Homeland Security)??
Why Stop At Wall Street and the Fed?
Why not Protest at EVERY SINGLE FEDERAL Bldg Starting with the DHS and the IRS.
These guys are the Federal Gov's Storm Troopers & policy enforcers/ bulldogs. These fine folks will be waiting in the wings, taking off their velvet
gloves & preparing to show the American people what "real suffering" is.
Why not occupy all Federal Criminal Entities?
I do not know the answers, I am searching like everyone else.
I think this is an incredibly complicated situation, but I do know that the center cannot hold.
If we, as a nation, focus on only one facet of this morass, think of all of the true dastardly folks that will be able to slip under the radar.
Do you agree or disagree? I am sincerely interested in your feedback, as I too am searching for the answers & please keep it civil. Thanks