posted on Oct, 10 2011 @ 02:35 AM
reply to post by curious7
I'd have to disagree with you on that one. CIA, FBI, MI6, NSA, KGB, MOSSAD etc are all basically the same agency. Only their location makes them
differ. They all report to the same bosses.
I agree with the OP. These agencies have been behind just about every high level terrorist plot all over the world. All the governments (Bilderbergs)
have to do is click their fingers and the agencies get on their knees and say yes master.
Let's look at some of the past 'Terrorist' activities. In the 70's it was the CIA that were behind the Iranian trouble . London Tube Train
bombings in 2005 was MI6. 9/11 was of course CIA, FBI and MOSSAD. Oklahoma bombing was CIA.
And anyone who tries to tell the truth to the public are mercilessly killed by those dispicable agencies. JFK was one. William Cooper who exposed UFO,
New World Order agendas and Black Projects was killed by an Agency. Phil Schneider, another UFO/Alien whistleblower was killed off.
There are numerous assasinations, terrorist attacks (False Flag Attacks) that have been orchestrated on government (Bilderberg) orders.