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posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 07:15 PM
I apologize if this was posted before, but here is every FOIA document related to MKULTRA. this is the most relevant info.

1. Respondents, invoking the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5
U.S.C. 552, filed a request with the Central Intelligence Agency
seeking certain information about a CIA project known as MKULTRA.
MKULTRA was initiated in the 1950's in "response to possible use by
the Soviets and the Chinese of chemical and biological agents as
instruments of interrogation and brainwashing" (Pet. App. 37a
(footnote omitted); see id. at 73a). The project involved "research
into 'chemical, biological and radiological materials capable of
employment in clandestine operations to control human behavior'" (id.
at 21a (footnote and citation omitted)). See also Pet. App. 89a
(affidavit of Director of Central Intelligence Turner).

MKULTRA research was conducted by a large number of private
scientists, in the United States and abroad, affiliated with
universities, research foundations, and similar institutions (Pet.
App. 66a, 89a). At least 80 institutions and 185 private researchers
participated (id. at 36a). A total of 149 subprojects were funded by
the CIA (I C.A. App. 14-61). /1/

Most of these subprojects involved legitimate research into a
variety of chemical, biological, psychological, and sociological
subjects. In a few of the subprojects, researchers surreptitiously
administered drugs to unwitting subjects. This wholly improper
conduct is now expressly forbidden by executive order. Exec. Order
No. 12,333, Section 2.10, 46 Fed. Reg. 59941, 59952 (1981). See also
Project MKULTRA, the CIA's Program of Research in Behavioral
Modification: Joint Hearing Before the Select Comm. on Intelligence
and the Subcomm. on Health and Scientific Research of the Senate Comm.
on Human Resources, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. 16, 17, 35 (1977) (Testimony
of Director of Central Intelligence Turner) (hereinafter cited as
Project MKULTRA Hearing). The CIA has attempted to notify the persons
who were unwittingly subjected to tests. See id. at 36.

of course knowing the goverment this information is mostly disinformation which is mostly what FOIA is used for.

EDIT: Ithought people would care about this but i guess not.

[edit on 29-8-2004 by phantompatriot]

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 04:46 PM
I think this has been posted, but im not sure.
Ill look around on ATS to see what i can find

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:58 PM
i just joined a research project relating to this kinda thing. if anyone has anything to add related to the research project or MKULTRA please do so on this thread.

and here is the research project:Research project

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by phantompatriot
i just joined a research project relating to this kinda thing. if anyone has anything to add related to the research project or MKULTRA please do so on this thread.

and here is the research project:Research project

Sorry, but I was told polietly that it was bad form to post in a research topic you are not a member of.. So I will post it here:

One area you may want to look at is SRI International in Menlo park. They participated in Remote Viewing projects for the CIA for sure and they may have been part of the MKULTRA project as well. They also may have ties to Jim Jones and Jones town

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 11:42 AM
Concerning MK Ultra...I've done some research on this. The CIA brainwash people to make them do whatever they WANT.
It's mind control...

What if we became all controled by governments???? Maybe we are already all controled in a unconsious way!!! We have to be careful cuz we are goin to a big-brother society (if not already)
We are already brainwashed by all the ads we see everyday, that's nothnig compare to subliminal messages we are no aware of

What do you think????


posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
Concerning MK Ultra...I've done some research on this. The CIA brainwash people to make them do whatever they WANT.
It's mind control...

What if we became all controled by governments???? Maybe we are already all controled in a unconsious way!!! We have to be careful cuz we are goin to a big-brother society (if not already)
We are already brainwashed by all the ads we see everyday, that's nothnig compare to subliminal messages we are no aware of

What do you think????

i doubt its at that extent. but you are probably right about some subliminal messaging but it really doesnt effect me. Id say youve done to much research on the internet though. They werent really controlling minds they were trying to and seeing if '___' would work for mind control. They also were using it to increase the minds powers to make powers such as Telekinesis possible.

posted on Sep, 16 2004 @ 06:54 PM
There's a 10 page 1961 FOIA document on a subproject of MKULTRA on this site:

[edit on 16-9-2004 by AceOfBase]

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