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A battered-woman defense .

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posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Well now If this was the other way around and the wife had done something abuse to the man (physical or not and the man killed them do you think the man would be getting off on ooo its ok she was a abuser?
You know I was sitting on my front steps one day with my son and my older sons 21 year old girl friend walk past and goes down the sidewalk. 2o miths later shes back goes inside tells my older son I grabed her rear end .
Well knowing my other son was sitting with me and knowing I never touched her and thinking yea right next thing is cops pulling me off the street someware .
So I call the sheriff my self thinking well my son that was sitting there knows I didnt touch the girl and last thing I need is this getting out of hand .
So cops get there Now rember Im the one who called THEM for MY DEFENCE.
anyway so I tell them what she said and tell them that my other son was a witness to show i never touched her.
well what do these cops do?? O just go up without even asking her a thing and ask her if she wants me arrested.
SICK sick world heck as a man all it takes is one woman telling one lie and every ones ready to hang you INCLUDING alot of people here .and these woman get off on murder because they say he hit me bet not a bruse on them!!!

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:12 PM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
Well now If this was the other way around and the wife had done something abuse to the man (physical or not and the man killed them do you think the man would be getting off on ooo its ok she was a abuser?
You know I was sitting on my front steps one day with my son and my older sons 21 year old girl friend walk past and goes down the sidewalk. 2o miths later shes back goes inside tells my older son I grabed her rear end .
Well knowing my other son was sitting with me and knowing I never touched her and thinking yea right next thing is cops pulling me off the street someware .
So I call the sheriff my self thinking well my son that was sitting there knows I didnt touch the girl and last thing I need is this getting out of hand .
So cops get there Now rember Im the one who called THEM for MY DEFENCE.
anyway so I tell them what she said and tell them that my other son was a witness to show i never touched her.
well what do these cops do?? O just go up without even asking her a thing and ask her if she wants me arrested.
SICK sick world heck as a man all it takes is one woman telling one lie and every ones ready to hang you INCLUDING alot of people here .and these woman get off on murder because they say he hit me bet not a bruse on them!!!

Okay, you're angry, I get that. But the police don't even have to remove the "aggressive" party if the situation isn't that serious, they just have to remove a party. At least in this state.

Having said that, I'm not about to jump on the "men don't get a fair shake" bandwagon.
edit on 8-10-2011 by GringoViejo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I think your story differs a lot from the two women in the article. Can you imagine what it must be like to be battered for your whole married life by someone who is probably about 4 times as strong and also has an evil temper? Not to mention treading on egg shells all the rest of the time when you're not getting kicked about or mentally abused. That's what their cases were about.

In your case some bitch told a lie that hopefully (for your sake) didn't get out of hand. If you're telling the truth I can see why you're really angry and I hope your son gets rid of her quick smart for all your sakes. But if you stay angry at all women because of that girl then I've no sympathy for you.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:21 PM
who says they are battered ? what evidence of this is there?? just them saying he hit me??
see you your self prove my point all she has to do is say he hit me and your up the creek.
I have seen this to many times on end its not just me who has going through some womans lies .
They dont need evidence all it takes is he hit me and the really bad ones well heck easy enough to hit or cut your self and say he did it. There wouldnt even be a chance if its the man on teh other end of this .

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 02:40 PM
reply to post by xxcalbier

You need to get to know her personality. Know how to push her buttons without doing so until the time is right.

Next time she tries that, push the button and sit back and watch her discredit herself.

Did that with the ex-fiance after a argument at the end of our relationship. She called the cops after I told her I was moving out because she was cheating on me. The Cops came, everything is in order in the house, no marks on either of us and start asking questions.

I remained calm, however, after a few well positioned remarks, the Ex comes unglued and assaults me, in front of the cops. Bad move.

Off she went. I didn't bail her out, but her new botfriend did (That one didn't last long) and when she got back...I was gone.

Tactics and strategy man, coupled with a calm and rational behaviour works most times.

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:01 PM
Women like this DO need to be released, IF and only if, there is substantial evidence of previous violence. I only say that, because after reading this particular story, it looks like self defense in both.

When your fight or flight kicks in, you almost can't control yourself. Your body lashes out or runs. That one woman who stabbed her unarmed husband, probably didn't even realize she was stabbing him until it was already over. Same with the woman who shot her husband 11 times. (Will admit here that ones sounds just a tad bit false to me
) Years of torment could have come out right at that moment.

Now I will say that no, I wasn't there, and these could both be just a witches with a vendetta. But trauma does strange things to the brain, and adrenaline will make you do things you never imagined possible. So if these women were released due to being found not guilty, then I say enjoy the rest of your lives free ladies.

Just one girl's take on it

Edit to add. OP I'm so sorry this happened to you!!! I want you to know that all of us ladies are not like that, some of us still have some class, and will only say something if it actually happens, and usually to your face
. Girls like this give us a bad name.
edit on 8-10-2011 by Ranthenae because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 03:15 PM
A friend of mine let a woman who he was dating, move into his house, with her young daughter after she was evicted. A few weeks later they had an arguement and the Police were called. He was told that he would have to leave for the night. When he told them that he was the owner of the house he was told that it was dcepartment policy that the man leave. So he spent the night in a motel and when he went back to his house the next day it was completely empty and she was gone.

posted on Oct, 9 2011 @ 07:31 AM

Originally posted by xxcalbier
who says they are battered ? what evidence of this is there??

It was proven in court.

After 26 years of appeals from death row, Owens was paroled when new evidence that she had been the victim of sustained domestic abuse was revealed.

You weren't in the courtrooms. You don't know what happened or what evidence was revealed.

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