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Originally posted by jimekus
I am a banker with shiny black shoes and an elegant white hat. On every market day, your people walked around with chickens, eggs, hams, and ... I can make little rounds of leather so you can trade and bargain with the rounds instead of the unwieldy chickens. I can explain away all your problems as they arise, or I could procure another cowhide and make more currency, ...
it's a thought experiment, with some rather interesting results. I for one have had to re-evaluate who I think is gonna live and who is gonna die just from the attitudes and knowledge base (or lack thereof) shown here. It has also driven home a few interesting revelations: for example, who knew there'd be so many folks to cook stuff, and so few to grow/hunt the stuff to be cooked? there are going to be a lot of unemployed chefs after the apocalypse, and a lot of skinny "survivors" - if they don't starve to death, that is.
Originally posted by yellowbeard
Originally posted by jimekus
I am a banker with shiny black shoes and an elegant white hat. On every market day, your people walked around with chickens, eggs, hams, and ... I can make little rounds of leather so you can trade and bargain with the rounds instead of the unwieldy chickens. I can explain away all your problems as they arise, or I could procure another cowhide and make more currency, ...
I vote you in as the "whipping boy" that everybody can kick round and abuse to relieve tensions and frustration
Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
reply to post by nenothtu
Sounds like a job for Casey Ryback to me. Any cooks good with knives?
Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
reply to post by gabby2011
Can I haz your stuff?
Originally posted by cloaked4u
Originally posted by TechniXcality
you should let me in, because i brush my daughters hair back, as she falls asleep gently to this song
Yeah, let him. Is that you in the pic? Special forces man.
Originally posted by JustAnotherSheep
I'm sorry, I almost forgot.....I can hit a 5 inch target at 300 yards with open sights with nothing more than an SKS. I own a .30-06 now with your basic 3x9 scope. Hitting the "F" in a 3 lb Folgers coffee can at 100 yds is too easy..edit on 8-10-2011 by JustAnotherSheep because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
reply to post by nixie_nox
The place that people learn to face things like that is called combat.edit on 9-10-2011 by Thestargateisreal because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by Thestargateisreal
reply to post by undo
Oooooold guy alert!
Originally posted by LadySkadi
Never underestimate the will to live ... there are a lot of people who may not "be prepared" to satisfaction at this point, but when it comes down to life and death, some are going to improvise, adapt and overcome PDQ. If this thread did nothing else, perhaps it gave some people some indication of what they have and what they lack in current skill-sets as well as what they may be interested in digging into further ... I also think it wise to bear in mind that there are probably some who were just playing along for fun and either didn't give away what they do know, or did write about things they knew were unrealistic, just for the helluva it. Gotta admit, parts of this thread did get really silly (was waiting for it to get moved to the Writing Forum) ... Lol.
Originally posted by jimekus
I wonder if the world needs the banker as a "whipping boy", in the way you describe, or, because it is obvious that lacking a sense of humour prevents one from appreciating my witless sarcasm, should I replace the word banker with jew for a more historical perspective?