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Wall Street protesters: "America is long overdue for a revolution"

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posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 09:38 AM

(And I don't want to hear the OMG OMG OMG THAT WEBSITE SAYS SOCIALIST!?!?!? *initiate retarded fears based on American propaganda campaigns)

This article outlines personal stories and beliefs about what is wrong in this country (if not the world) and many of them are students. I have pulled a few of the ones that struct me as important on a personal level as well as a broader level...since I too am a student who is subject to loan debt slavery in less than a year when I have to start paying loans back:

"They don’t care about you if your account balance is only $1,000,” he said. “You’re not profitable to them, so they are charging more and more fees. Debt dictates whether or not you can feed your family these days. The banks aren’t giving out any loans. The government doesn’t pay its debts, but say working people have to pay theirs." -A bank employee said this!

"The Americans were graceful enough to bail them out with taxpayers’ money. In return, they did not treat the American people with grace. I think this is a form of class warfare where the poorer you are the higher the cost you pay to access your own money. While the banks were given the money interest free. They are doing nothing to help out struggling Americans." -Basically states how we actually have to pay to access our own money the poorer we get. There are a lot of stupid fees and sneaky # the banks do and I know first hand from growing up since my parents were constantly on the phone with the banks trying to figure out where random charges were coming from.

"Some Democrats pledge to support for Occupy Wall Street, but they just want votes. The problems are bipartisan. The Republicans take 10 percent more corporate money than the Democrats but it’s a non-issue. The corporations buy politicians." -ie we are not living in a democracy (not that a democracy is a particularly nice form of Athens and you should know. Osama and Islam are as retarded as Obama and democracy. And fyi...Islam is more than a religion to anyone who tries to pull the religion card out.)

Granted many of the arguments the protesters have do not touch the foundation enough...they do have a point. They realize, at the very least at a basic level, the injustice in our society and will speak out against it. But for how long? Do you feel these protests will soon just fade away like many protests in the recent past? Are protests just a way to vent and relieve anger of those struggling so they can reach enough satisfaction to continue living as a slave?

Let us hope not. At least they give some hope to me that Americans are more aware than many people say. I want to see more of them challenging the monetary system and capitalism. I want to see more people reconsider our form of government and NOT simply the people holding the power right now. I want to see people not only focus on the ruthlessness of those in power but also focus on the truthlessness in THEMSELVES.

Many would try to resist what I say but here me out! Yes, wage slavery is an unfortunate reality of our era, and it can make one feel degraded, subhuman, or like a robot -- soulless, in other words. Now, not to sound like a deluded Republican, as people are definitely exploited, mind controlled, and raised as cattle for profit from birth, but the truth of the matter is that, despite all that, 9 times out of 10 it is quite simply up to the individual to get their # together, get organized, and find a way to break out of their wage slave status.

There is all the difference between (1) bravely speaking out against society's current tyrannical socio-economic-political structures and players and current deluded values and beliefs so as to assist others while personally overcoming them and (2) cowardly sitting around blaming them for your personal failures. Again, I am aware that we are being deliberately destroyed, and that "equal economic opportunity" is a myth, but we should nonetheless try our hardest to break into the line of work that our souls want and need.

As Charles Eisenstein points out:

"Everybody has probably experienced this feeling at one time or another, the feeling of being passionately involved in a creative project. That passion is the sign of what might be called authentic work, true work, or soul work. The human spirit rebels at doing anything we don't truly care about. The rebellion is closest to the surface in the young: hence, the sullen, resentful, rebellious, angry teenager. As we get older and the spirit crumbles, we come to accept that life is "just like that." Working in drudgery for external rewards so that you can live your real life during your "time off".

Time off from what? If we enjoy freedom only on the weekends, vacations, and evenings of our lives, then what does that say about the rest of life? It is slavery. What about being free all the time? That is what you are, when you do something you love. You are free."

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 09:40 AM
America may be overdue for a revolution, but, the OWS clowns are not going to be the ones that start it.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by Tulkor

The OWS movement has no clue as to what a revolution would entail in todays age.

If they did...they would go home and arm themselves...because a true revolution requires sacrifice and blood.

Before to long they would be shooting one another just due to the inconsistent message various groups have.

Just sayin'

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by Tulkor

Before to long they would be shooting one another just due to the inconsistent message various groups have.

Hmmmnnnnn Interesting possibility there. I see a business venture there. I wonder if I could get some stimulus money to open a business teaching the "99%" how to shoot?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by JIMC5499

Maybe I can supply the ammo....Just kidding of course.

There's always profits to be made in war...that is a constant in life and throughout history..

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Tulkor

Most people are utterly clueless and so long as people are divided nothing revolutionary will happen.]Hate & ignorance" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">=]Hate & ignorance
edit on 6-10-2011 by DonaldIvory because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:14 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by Tulkor

The OWS movement has no clue as to what a revolution would entail in todays age.

If they did...they would go home and arm themselves...because a true revolution requires sacrifice and blood.

Before to long they would be shooting one another just due to the inconsistent message various groups have.

Just sayin'

I completely agree. The topic title is just a reference to the article topic title...NOT my personal opinion.

In it shows a variety of different people protesting about different things in the same area. Some think capitalism is overall okay...and just needs adjusting...THE RIGHT PEOPLE. Others see capitalism as fundamentally flawed and must change alongside the monetary system. Some are there specifically to just yell at corruption on Wall Street. Some are there to yell at Obama (and perhaps the whole administration). Some think voting for Ron Paul will change everything magically somehow.

The point is they do not have a united cause. Sure they are against fairly similar things, but they are against them for VERY different reasons. This leads to VERY different solution ideas.

But also, many of you think a revolution is only an armed uprising. Think again. Revolutionizing ideas...ways of also a revolution and one that I feel is required if we are truly to change for the better. You don't have an armed uprising of a bunch of different groups because it will A. likely not succeed and B. in a hypothetical situation of success will result in similar problems because the people are not revolting against fundamental ideas but instead are revolting because they are getting taxed too much, exploited, lied to, etc.

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