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Yeti Found?

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:49 PM
I am a new member but long time listener. I have never posted here, and never wanted too until today. I love to listen to all the things everyone here has to say here, and I do not speak lightly of things unless I research, and provide a fair amount of resources of objects I speak of. Unfortunately this time I got black listed. In fact, when I try to sign up for this website I got a 404. I read in the Dallas Morning News, if that gives you a bit of a clue of my age and location, about a summit being held in Moscow. It involves the Yeti, and some possible confirmed sightings. Apparently, sometime in the near future a summit is being held in the Moscow area. I will include any links I find in the next few minutes, but someone has apparently caught a “yeti” on tape/film of some kind. Its authenticity is unknown, but someone has taken pictures, via trail cam, of a bipedal primate living in the Himalaya. I find it unusual, because I thought if this was ever to occur, it would be all over the web, or total black out. I have found a total black out. I am going to shut up now and provide links, please tell me if you know anything more *SNIP*

These are all I can find…feel free to shine some light

Mod Edit: Removed personal information
edit on 10/5/2011 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Fake I think ? as far as I know theres never been proof it does or doesnt exist like aliens so its a good topic for debate but thats about it. Do you know of any specimens or remains ever found or photographed? Even Aliens have apperantly been found in different forms like the alien from the woods in russia and the large skeletons or Nephilim and even crashed ships at roswell. We have never found a skeleton of a yeti or a den or a actual photo theres no evidence whatsoever So really theres more proof to those claims of giants roaming the land and Dinosaurs and actual catalouged species....Can you think of one good reason why if the gov knew yeti existed why of why would they lie about something so unimportant like proof of the Yeti !!!!!
edit on 5-10-2011 by Mandelbrot2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:10 AM
reply to post by poisonblood696

Thank you for bringing this latest information to ATS. I will look forward to any future updates. I am fascinated by this topic, as are many others on this forum.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Mandelbrot2012
Fake I think ? as far as I know theres never been proof it does or doesnt exist like aliens so its a good topic for debate but thats about it. Do you know of any specimens or remains ever found or photographed? Even Aliens have apperantly been found in different forms like the alien from the woods in russia and the large skeletons or Nephilim and even crashed ships at roswell. We have never found a skeleton of a yeti or a den or a actual photo theres no evidence whatsoever So really theres more proof to those claims of giants roaming the land and Dinosaurs and actual catalouged species....Can you think of one good reason why if the gov knew yeti existed why of why would they lie about something so unimportant like proof of the Yeti !!!!!
edit on 5-10-2011 by Mandelbrot2012 because: (no reason given)

Well there MIGHT be photos and videos, but people are so quick to shout "FAKE! SHOPPED!" that they get dismissed as quickly as they are found.
There are a couple of videos and links that I'd like to share, but I'll have to dig for them so I'll edit this once I've found them.

These are just a few I could find in the short time I have this morning, school run soon etc lol

I think yeti's or big foots are probably real. I don't see why they can't be, Perhaps they are beings with human instincts, where they recognize their difference and want to keep safe and not be hunted.
The only problem for is that many videos DO depict someone who could be human otherwise.
I don't think the Government would keep it a secret, after all, I don't think they'd pose a threat and they can't really glean technological information from them.
edit on 6-10-2011 by Lulzaroonie because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:34 AM
This is from yesterdays UK Daily Mail.

However they are know to pinch articles word for word from other sites, they dont proof check anything and sometimes their storys are complete bullcrap :-)



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