posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:25 PM
It is with much dismay, confusion and just hopelessness that I am writing this thread. Putting the Greek issues to one side, and perhaps focusing more
on the OWS movement I am at a complete loss.
For months, I have read on this site and various other sites, that people have been wanting change, they have been wanting a movement to end the
financial corruption and greed by corporations as controlled by the puppet politicians. Right now to a large degree the OWS movement is in alignment
with that thinking, and yet, all I see are people bagging it, on this site, on prison planet, everywhere...
The concept of the enemy of my enemy is my friend is completely lost here. Instead of standing in solidarity with those protestors and focus on the
points of unity, we instead belittle, make fun of and degrade the protestors because they may have some other beliefs that are not quite in full
alignment with our own ideals.
How sad... our own EGO's, Ideals, Greed and arrogance has stopped us from uniting for a common cause. Instead we have jumped on the gravy train to
laugh and point at their expense. And why? Never in the history of the WORLD has there been a better chance for citizens to come together and demand
action and accountability from those who have abused the responsibility placed upon them. And yet, we laugh and mock. If you want your views heard,
get down there and swell the movement and GET YOUR VIEWS HEARD. Don't sit by your keyboard, being all tough and laughing and pointing, mocking the
efforts of those who are actually doing something!
They may be rich kids, they may be hippies, they may not know what the heck they are protesting about... but they are there, whilst we (including
myself) are sitting here typing about it to people like ourselves. Talking about conspiracy will never bring about the truth, uncovering the truth and
sharing on here will never bring about true change. We have to go out and be amongst the people, in protests, on social networking sites, with friends
and family. Awareness has to be raised, along with the message that the manipulation, control, greed, warfare and corporate governance has to END.
At the core do we all not want the same? Most probably we will all have to come to some level of compromise to cover as many ideals as possible, we
can't have it all... but surely ending this slavery of the global populace by the ruling elite HAS TO BE THE PRIORITY?!?!?!?
If we cannot come together, and support/expand upon a movement in view of eliminating a common enemy, then quite simply we are all doomed and we
deserve to be. We do not deserve any level of freedom if we cannot find points of unity with our fellow people. If we continue to allow the divisions
and segregation to continue, then our corporate overlords have won and we might as well ask to be shackled further.