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Huge Sasquatch on PEI

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:37 PM

"Huge Sasquatch on Prince Edward Isle" Filmed by the singer Nathan Wiley as a student in 2005. While shooting a scene from a film capture a BF running quadruped then biped. Confirms on 10 points Uniform color and coned head gray skin on face. Scale is achieved when the student and Sasquatch are in the same spot, comparison of the slides shows that the Sasquatch is ten feet tall.

I'm not too sure about this one, it is considered one of the better videos and it is quite interesting. Whether it's Bigfoot or not is beyond me. I have never seen a video before of a sasquatch running on all fours, which was interesting, and the animals does appear to be quite big.

What could this possibly be? Michigan Dogman? I have no idea what could be that big.

Any thoughts?


posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by predator0187

The quality is too low to say anything. Black Bear or large Dog? Can't tell anything from this and it's not to honest to claim a person could identify it. Wishful thinking I guess?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:48 PM
'students making a film' isnt a good start.
it doesnt look 10 feet tall, but it does look like someone in a gorilla suit running like an idiot.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:52 PM
I just came back from a camping trip east coast, I spent some time in PEI, it is SMALL, when I say small I meanyou can drive its length in a few hours and its width in about half an hour. There is no way the island could support a creature that size without ever being seen. Its not exactly covered with forest either, pei is basically farms. The island has no bears, no moose, I think no deer, coyotes are rare.... how could there be a sasquach. I call BS and the video sucked anyways, could have been edited, and I dont see a 'face'.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by neonitus
'students making a film' isnt a good start.
it doesnt look 10 feet tall, but it does look like someone in a gorilla suit running like an idiot.

I tend to agree with you..the students making a film thing kind of gets me thinking hoax right away.
The creature also looks like someone in a suit running like an idiot. I'm very skeptical about this one

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by el1jah
I just came back from a camping trip east coast, I spent some time in PEI, it is SMALL, when I say small I meanyou can drive its length in a few hours and its width in about half an hour. There is no way the island could support a creature that size without ever being seen. Its not exactly covered with forest either, pei is basically farms. The island has no bears, no moose, I think no deer, coyotes are rare.... how could there be a sasquach. I call BS and the video sucked anyways, could have been edited, and I dont see a 'face'.

I went there camping when I was a kid, and I do remember the island not being very big either

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:04 PM
If the video was clearer, that would make it much easier to identify the culprit. I would love to see it with enhanced footage or if they had a better camera.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:06 PM
Agreed with the student video comments.

I guess it is also very important to state Nathan? is a musician? Is that some prerequisite qualification for identifying BigFoot?

And why did this take so long to be posted?

Many questions, few answers.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:09 PM
Why does the student running look back as if he expects to see something when supposedly he had no idea of anything behind him? I say hoax given the entire set of details of the how and why of the video shoot. It seems like a very poor quality. What kind of camera were they using for this "take" evidently for a music CD?

We need more clarificiation details if they want to support the contention of a Sasquatch.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Have you heard of the Illuminati New World Order card game by steve jackson? It has predicted the twin tower attacks, pentagon attack, bp oil spill, japan quake, tsunami, nuclear accident, among many other things. Here are the twin tower and pentagon card, you can look the rest up on line... One of the cards in the deck is a bigfoot card.... Steve Jackson is one of their minions that knows the inside plan. They just love to throw in our face what they are doing to us. I don't how this fits into their plans to bring in the new world order but it is part of the plan.
There is also a power to the people card...does this sound familiar to anyone???..."occupy" protests.

This card game came out in the 90's by the way.
edit on 5-10-2011 by kwell because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

Well all the comments above are completely ridiculous. First off, the fact that they were filming before they even got the sighting makes sense because that is normally why you would bring a camera with you in the first place, and it's the only way you could get something traveling that fast on camera if you weren't expecting it. Secondly, people on this website need to stop acting like their uneducated opinions have any sort of value or knowledgeable insight. I'm not saying this is real or not because I don't know and neither does anyone else, save the people that were present. But for geniuses that said it was a guy in a gorilla suit I would love to see you run that fast on all fours. As for the size of the area it was filmed, many people that study Bigfoot strongly believe that these creatures migrate so it really doesn't matter that the specific location it was at that moment could sustain a huge animal because if they are real they wouldn't spend their entire life there. Part of the fun of the topics on this website is the mystery and the unknowns, please don't ruin it by acting like you have it all figured out when you're attempts to explain it away only attest to a lack of knowledge and insight. Everyone on here cries hoax at everything as if the entire world is out to get you, and because of this most people deny everything because they are too afraid to possibly be wrong or they believe it makes them intellectually superior by adopting the same world view of modern society.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Aliensun
Why does the student running look back as if he expects to see something when supposedly he had no idea of anything behind him? I say hoax given the entire set of details of the how and why of the video shoot. It seems like a very poor quality. What kind of camera were they using for this "take" evidently for a music CD?

We need more clarificiation details if they want to support the contention of a Sasquatch.

I have a hard time believing it is truly a physical object period, let alone believing it's Big Foot.
I have basic audio and video skills, and I could make a composite of equal quality in a few hours.
I dunno, I just don't see half the stuff they are pointing out? Too many questions for such a "Verified" clip...
my cell phone has better video capability...tisk...tisk...

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:39 PM

Originally posted by hxc408
reply to post by Aliensun

Well all the comments above are completely ridiculous. First off, the fact that they were filming before they even got the sighting makes sense because that is normally why you would bring a camera with you in the first place, and it's the only way you could get something traveling that fast on camera if you weren't expecting it. Secondly, people on this website need to stop acting like their uneducated opinions have any sort of value or knowledgeable insight. I'm not saying this is real or not because I don't know and neither does anyone else, save the people that were present. But for geniuses that said it was a guy in a gorilla suit I would love to see you run that fast on all fours. As for the size of the area it was filmed, many people that study Bigfoot strongly believe that these creatures migrate so it really doesn't matter that the specific location it was at that moment could sustain a huge animal because if they are real they wouldn't spend their entire life there. Part of the fun of the topics on this website is the mystery and the unknowns, please don't ruin it by acting like you have it all figured out when you're attempts to explain it away only attest to a lack of knowledge and insight. Everyone on here cries hoax at everything as if the entire world is out to get you, and because of this most people deny everything because they are too afraid to possibly be wrong or they believe it makes them intellectually superior by adopting the same world view of modern society.

It is noted that you make no effort to answer any of the questions I and others have raised about the production of this video by some students. You simply chastise for voicing our opinions, and you have absolutely no grounds for doing so.

I'm going to go further in my estimation given above and suggest that this video has been brought to our attention to enhance the name of the music "star."

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by el1jah

Exactly right. I live on PEI and I can tell you unequivocally that Big Foot DOES NOT LIVE ON PEI. The Island is far too small to support something like this. There is not enough wooded area to hide in let alone exist in without EVER being seen. In the entire history of human habitation of this Island, there has NEVER been a report of a Big Foot here... If you won't take my word for it, then come to PEI and spend a month here exploring the Island and see for yourself that it is impossible... For one thing, you can't walk for more then ten minutes without bumping into a house, business, church, town... etc.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by 001ggg100

That is so funny, I bet the creature crossed the Confederation Bridge from New Brunswick!

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by Jerisa

Probably came over on a bus tour to see Ann of Green Gables, wandered off to take some pictures, got lost and the tour group left without him... Happens all the time....

posted on Oct, 8 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by predator0187

"Huge Sasquatch on Prince Edward Isle" Filmed by the singer Nathan Wiley as a student in 2005. While shooting a scene from a film capture a BF running quadruped then biped. Confirms on 10 points Uniform color and coned head gray skin on face. Scale is achieved when the student and Sasquatch are in the same spot, comparison of the slides shows that the Sasquatch is ten feet tall.

My main issue is here is the statement in colour above.
Then the shockingly poor quality of the film.
Even though it was 2005 - Video cameras have been around shooting clear images for far longer than that yet this "filmaker" seems to be using an old Nokia Cameraphone?
Why would that be exactly?

posted on Oct, 12 2011 @ 07:01 PM
This video makes no sense, the guy running is running exactly like the supposed Bigfoot was, he was skipping or something and he runs from a different area than the Bigfoot did and looked back like he knew to look to where it was going to be. I say fake IMO.


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