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Half Man Half Dog Walking Down The Street!

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by Irish614

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
He has Unertan Syndrome.

Calling him an alien because of a disease? Really?
Look up Unertan Syndrome.

That man is not an alien...Nor is he half dog.
edit on 5-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

Yes he may have that disorder but did you see his legs? They bend the opposite way unlike those in the video that you posted, I looked up Unertan Syndrome and no one that I saw had their legs like that. I'm sure it is a disease and he's not some alien/dog. That is one crazy video.
edit on 10/5/2011 by Irish614 because: put text in quote box, DOH

edit on 10/5/2011 by Irish614 because: (no reason given)

Actually, I would say that this is a person with a mask on backwards doing the crabwalk. I can't find any reference to Uner Tan Syndrome with completely backwards knees.
edit on 5-10-2011 by tallcool1 because: Corrected the spelling of Uner Tan

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth
Hear, hear...I like to feel like a big old sad sack about my life sometimes, but I think we'd all do very well to step back and take a nice, long look at how blessed and lucky we are in our lives as compared to so many people in the world who actually have a HARD time of things.

Then I think we should take it upon ourselves to show thanks for this by never adding to the misery that's already in the world. Simply no good cause to attack, abuse, or otherwise harm someone without very good justification. There's already enough sorrow in this world.

Take care.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 04:34 PM
reply to post by tallcool1
I can't find a whole LOT of images or info on it, but I don't think there's any crabwalking here and am standing by my suggestion on this...

Check out this link for some info on genu recurvatum.

Take care.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez
You mean a guy walking upside down backwards. I did this as a kid a lot....cept I didn't have a hood on my head trying to make it appear I wasn't upside down.

Critical thinking on this message board anymore? anyone?
edit on 10/5/2011 by mnmcandiez because: (no reason given)

Clearly you're the one not "critically thinking" here my friend. Watch the video again and see which direction his elbows are bending. He is not crab walking.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by tallcool1

Originally posted by Irish614

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
He has Unertan Syndrome.

Calling him an alien because of a disease? Really?
Look up Unertan Syndrome.

That man is not an alien...Nor is he half dog.
edit on 5-10-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)

Yes he may have that disorder but did you see his legs? They bend the opposite way unlike those in the video that you posted, I looked up Unertan Syndrome and no one that I saw had their legs like that. I'm sure it is a disease and he's not some alien/dog. That is one crazy video.
edit on 10/5/2011 by Irish614 because: put text in quote box, DOH

edit on 10/5/2011 by Irish614 because: (no reason given)

Actually, I would say that this is a person with a mask on backwards doing the crabwalk. I can't find any reference to Uner Tan Syndrome with completely backwards knees.
edit on 5-10-2011 by tallcool1 because: Corrected the spelling of Uner Tan

So you admit to seeing the joints bending in a way that would mean he is not crab walking, however you still think he's crab walking? What?

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 01:49 AM
Shoulda just left out the first part of the post and left in the part about Neandertals. Even though I'm sure its been posted before, its new to me and I appreciate repeated material anyway. With a constant flood (firehose) of new info every day, a lot of important things get forgotten.

Hmmm... Is there a way to give a half star?

Is it (video of supposed dogman) a disease or photoshopped?? I hate when debunkers come up with 2 plausible explanations lol :^P

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:06 AM
OMG, it is so obvious, I cannot believe anyone still can't see it!

It is a person walking on all fours Backwards (on their back)! That is why the knees LOOK like they bend the wrong way! The feet are NOT turned forwards, if you look carefully, they are turned outwards as far as the kid could go.

I am not sure where our video camera is, but I think I am going to have my son do this, put a bag in his face, and show it here. It is too easy.
edit on 6-10-2011 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:05 AM
reply to post by Bluesma

Not obvious lol
we are 6 nearly 7 billion human
everyone is totaly different ..
i think it is possible that someone suffer a bone illness or mutation of that kind

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:42 PM
I can't beleive some of you think this person is crab walking. the feet are pointed forward, look at the heel.
As I said before if is same person I saw them before, but they walk like aliens in that one movie, their knees bend the wrong direction.
This person is dirt poor, and does what has to to get along, it is strain on knee joint to walk with all their weight on knee joint, so they are walking on all fours.
No crab walk no alien j, just someone one with a physical defect.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by Lucidity
It's a guy doing the crab walk with a mask on. This is nothing to get excited about.

I thought the same thing until I noticed the elbows are still oriented in a forward position. This kind of reminds me of an old movie called Extro.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 06:59 PM
Here's a link to Ripley's Episode 212, Quad walker.
There have been several people with this disability.


posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 07:08 PM
its is NOT "Uner Tan syndrome", if such a thing even exists, as i have seen it explained that particular disorder is simply a result of that one family with a combination of birth deformities(possibly caused by inbreeding) not learning to walk properly.

and you talk as if it were a common and reputably peer reviewed malady right out of the medical textbooks, and IT IS NOT, and i have no idea how you would have been led to believe that it was, no idea where you could possibly get the confidence to repeatedly and boldly state that it is, as if it were a known fact and you had done all the lab tests yourself! step back and take a look at yourself for a moment, are you being rational and logical? i sure as hell dont think so.

the man in the video has knees that bend backwards, and feet that face forward. it bares NO RESEMBLANCE AT ALL to that made-up fantasy syndrome you have fallen in love with promoting. unless you simply think that EVERY SINGLE ANIMAL that crawls on all fours has the same syndrome. do monkeys have it? do dogs and cats have it?

my first guess is that the mans leg bones are deformed and twisted around, but i can hardly tell from the video, so im not going to make a fool out of myself by claiming anything with certainty.

posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

It's not Unertan syndrome. The people affected by Unertan walk on their hands and feet but clearly bend at the waist and have a normal skeletal system. The person in the Op's video does not have a normal skeletal system.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:10 PM
It's just some guy who has knees that bend the opposite direction. It was a birth defect, he's not an alien. I've seen pictures of him.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by BohemianBrim

I have to agree, the man in the OP's video is suffering from a severe case of genu recurvatum (backward knees).

Most sources indicate that Ella Harper was born in Hendersonville, Tennessee in 1873 – though there are some conflicting reports. What is not argued, however, is the fact that Ella was born with an unusual orthopedic condition resulting in knees that bent backwards. The nature of this unusual affliction is exceedingly rare and relatively unknown, however most modern medical types would classify her condition and a very advanced form of congenital genu recurvatum – also known as ‘back knee deformity’. Her unusually bent knees, coupled with her preference of walking on all fours resulted in her moniker of ‘The Camel Girl’.

Here's a video of a man with the same deformity:

edit on 26-10-2011 by Torgo because: (no reason given)

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