posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 12:39 PM
Welcome To ATS.
What sort of topics are you interested in?
Do not hesitate to ask any questions, if you're unsure of something.
You'll need 20 posts to begin creating your own threads, & 100 posts to engage in ATS Chat.
Remember to follow
T&C's, & use the 'search' bar (before making threads - just good
Under a user's name (box on the left side) is a button that says 'members'; Once you click it, a drop-down list should show...This allows you to do
such things as "view profile", "add a friend", or "send message".
Use the 'New Topics' button, to check up on current, active threads. And the 'myATS' tab, to check up on the threads you've created or commented
on/replied to.
Feel free to send me a private message (U2U) if you have any other questions, or need help with something.
Enjoy your stay here. Hope you find the answers you're looking for.