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When the "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO don't turn up", then what?

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posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:40 PM
You know, if I was a cop in NYC, I'd have just about had it.

I read the stuff that gets posted on here, and on other forums/blogs etc describing the police in this manner, and I wonder - what would happen should they simply decide one day that they've had enough of the slander?

When there is a shooter on the rampage in a school say - and the "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO" don't bother turning out

When one of your family members is being assaulted by a gang maybe - you wouldn't want the "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO" to come and help them out would you?

When an elderly relative has had all their posessions stolen and their life threatened - you wouldn't want the "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO" to come and investigate would you?

Seriously, if I was a cop in NYC, or anywhere - given the attitude displayed by a whole host of people I'd be walking away and I'd be damn sure that I wasn't going to put my life on the line to protect any one of the ungrateful, ignorant ingrates that deemed me to be a "jackbooted nazi thug of the NWO" simply because I was doing my job, and arresting people who broke the laws I have been tasked to uphold.

So that begs a question - who are all these people going to call when the day-to-day problems of real life come knocking on their front door? It sure as hell ain't gonna be the ghostbusters is it?

Troops sent out to Iraq and Afghanistan get "thank you for serving our country and ensuring our freedoms"

Cops who put their lives on the line every single day get called "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO"

Strikes me theres something of a massive cultural imbalance there.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:51 PM
reply to post by neformore

When the "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO don't turn up", then what?

I believe they have already turned up, they never went away after WW2. It's just more obvious lately. I have seen several of these thugs at the OWS protests too.

I do agree that the bad cops give the good cops a bad name. I also believe that many people on ATS and other places do unfairly stereotype the majority of LEO's.

But in my opinion that brings us back to step one. The fact that there are "jackbooted nazi thugs" who act like nazis abusing their power in all corners of the world. As long as they exist, stereotypes for LEO's will exist

edit on 4-10-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-10-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: forgot some words

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:52 PM
I think that you misunderstand those comments as pertaining to all cops, this is not the case. We all have family, friends, and acquaintances who serve the public on the police force. 90% of them are good people just looking to help out people in distress, many of them just like you and me. The comments you refer to are aimed at the 10% who are like the guy that pepper sprayed a peaceful crowd of girls for no reason, the cops who think they are "superior" to the common man, the cops who abuse their power and commit acts against the public interest. Those are the cops the comments are directed at; and while most posters don't articulate that every time, it is generally understood who they are speaking about and against. Cops are the good guy, but a few of them ruin the reputation of the whole force and that is a shame. Just look at the guy who beat that homeless man to death, do you think his fellow officers supported that action, no, and now they have to deal with the fallout because one asshole got a hard on while killing an innocent man.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:54 PM
It seems to me both sides of this argument paint an overly dramatic picture.

There are bad cops. There are good cops. There are bad orders. There are good orders.

I don't think anyone is calling for all police to be disbanded or anything, only that law enforcement agencies properly screen potential employees and that police, when proven to have acted outside their authority, get the same punishment that a civilian would get.

There is a long list of police officers involved in questionable acts getting off with a slap on the wrist, or the dreaded verbal reprimand.

When you sign up to enforce the law, and the law changes over time to limit or take away basic rights identified (not provided by, but acknowledged) by the US Constitution, yet you continue to enforce those laws, you have lent your face to be the representative of those laws. The same way the POTUSA takes all the heat for the state of our nation, police officers will take most of the heat for enforcing questionable laws and limiting or even preventing peaceful assembly and in many cases acting far beyond what the situation calls for.

My second cousin is a Sheriff's Deputy in my state. He's one of the good cops, and you might be surprised at some of his views regarding those events that we see on YouTube, where police overstep their authority. He does not blindly defend all police. It helps to remind me that there are good guys and bad guys in every profession - the bad ones just need to be dealt with.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by neformore

i agree with a lot of what you´re saying..

Cops who put their lives on the line every single day get called "jackbooted nazi thugs of the NWO" Strikes me theres something of a massive cultural imbalance there.

true, but cops are there to protect and serve.

with the flux of reports coming out about cop brutality, it´s not that crazy they´re getting called what they´re called.

i´ve seen some horrific things perpretated by cops, in instances where absolutely no violences was needed at all.

people are fed up.

we´ve been over this a million times.

it´s just a few rotten apples, i know, but instances are on the rise.
edit on 4-10-2011 by kn0wh0w because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by neformore

Well put on all points and I couldn't agree more. I'm glad to see someone say this in plain terms with no hedging. While we all see and read the stories about the bad cops, I can't help but agree that most of the same people saying the % of bad ones infecting every cop wearing the uniform are also the folks who call 911 when anything bad in their life takes place.

I'll even bet many of the loudest people we hear condemning every cop on the job are the ones who are fastest to threaten that call to the cops in real life, at the first sign of a situation not going their way.

There have been a couple notable exceptions, but for the majority of this, I think the NYPD has remained very professional and quite tolerant, given the circumstances. My hats go off to them, at least at this point. Of course, tomorrow is a brand new day and they could get outrageous to make my words seem premature. So far though, I've seen nothing that would suggest that is a serious possibility.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:18 PM
I thought that this was supposed to be about black cattle trucks and helocopters full of black suited stormtroopers who beat the crap out of the protestors, threw them into the trucks and then take them to a FEMA camp. My bad.

The New York cops are in a no win situation and I think that the vast majority of them have been excellant.

You do know that some of these protestors have got to be disappointed that what I said earlier hasn't happened.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 01:39 PM
I am a New Yorker and just like most on here have already said in response to your thread there a some great cops and some that are real A holes.

My neighbor is nypd officer recently retired after doing his twenty years.. He is a great guy and I consider him a friend. I am sure it's not an easy job and dealing with the public day in and day out has to take a toll.

With that being said some of the cops here are on power trips and use there authority as a weapon instead of a tool. When they break the very laws the took an oath to enforce. When they use excessive force when it's not required but when they turn citizens into victims well that's just going to far..

How can you defend that bologna cop..the one that maced the two women . Really
Guys like that give the P.D a bad name. Worse off is they are not treated or punished like you or I would be if we were to do something like that.. I think that's where the real problem stems is that they get away with it.
Cop or not commit a crime and get caught you should be treated like everyone else.

I wonder how the you would feel if it was your mother,sister or wife being pepper sprayed in the face for peacefully protesting and just not moving fast enough when the order to dispurse was given.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by navione
How can you defend that bologna cop..the one that maced the two women . Really
Guys like that give the P.D a bad name. Worse off is they are not treated or punished like you or I would be if we were to do something like that.. I think that's where the real problem stems is that they get away with it.
Cop or not commit a crime and get caught you should be treated like everyone else.

I couldn't agree more. Make that an issue the next time you elect a Mayor.

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 02:07 PM
In reality they are not all white knights either.

Everything is so subjective.

Everything we see read or hear has spin attatched whether its in agreement with ones superior world view or against decides how we take it.

Humans are disappoint.
edit on 4-10-2011 by Lysergic because: touch screen

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