posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 04:07 AM
Sorry, had to quote something off "Field of Dreams" it's quite catchy I know.
I've recently acquired two websites and
The world is evolving as we know it, the exploitation of resources as well as your fellow men and women has reached a precedence, the path ahead is
being paved as we speak for a greater good? or a greater evil? I don't know. What I do know is that there is good and bad in everyone, even me .
The governments of today are no longer transparent, they lie to us at the drop of a hat, they manipulate us every minute of every day whether it be on
the radio or sitting at home eating dinner at the T.V, we have to tip the scale in our favor we have to expose the vitriolic BS that is being spoon
fed to the masses. We/They...whoever may be have wool over there eyes.
I propose that we build a Social-Network for like minded individuals that can see what is really going on, so we can grow on the hatred of
suppressive/oppressive governments of the world, the injustice in our streets and in our homes and the uncertainty in our minds.
We will be able to form mass opinions and be able to vote, and come to agree and disagree on things that effect...everyone.
The time has come where we don't have to conform to the way of life TPTB have set out for us, we have to unite and work together for a better world.
I need programmers and Moderators. Lawyers and Everyone who want's to take a step in the right direction
Our thought processes can be combined to better not only ourselves...but humanity.