posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:15 PM
As suggested by the powers that be, here at ATS, I hereby offer my introduction.
I am an older person, (let's just agree to stop counting at 4 decades, k?)
I am former Military, (USMC).
I have no organized faith beliefs.
I have no prophesies, visions, or predictions. I am not "chosen", "special", or in any known way altered.
I represent only myself.
I believe in math and science, as imperfectly as we understand them, currently.
I have less faith in human beings, as a whole, especially in elevated positions of "authority".
I believe that, as a species, humans are a cancer on the Earth, and we're self-destructively terminal.
I do believe there's more going on than we're (generally) aware of.
I believe in the "Law of the 7 P's" (Prior Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance).
I believe trolls or un-constructive post warrant no more than a silent "Pfffft" from my side of the screen.
I signed up to ATS because the very nature of watching means pulling data from multiple sources. You (collectively) have more eyes than me. Even if
it's 80% "hoax", that 10% may come in handy.
I believe you've read enough.
Be Well.