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Wall Street occupation inspires Canadian protesters

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posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:23 PM
just like the new york wannabes in toronto. whatever new yorkers do torontonians want to do.

if anybody in toronto ever came up with an original thought or stopped being pretentious wannabes the city would explode.

toronto is so far from being a world class city, it wouldn't even rank up with columbus ohio in culture.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:56 PM
They police used hidden agents in the crowd to egg people on
Thought that was common knowledge. I say anyone who sees anyone else acting violent or trying to incite violence, should immediatly be thrown out of the march, pointed at and everyone screams "shame". Get that on video.

I will be here at Occupy Nova Scotia

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by randomname
just like the new york wannabes in toronto. whatever new yorkers do torontonians want to do.

if anybody in toronto ever came up with an original thought or stopped being pretentious wannabes the city would explode.

toronto is so far from being a world class city, it wouldn't even rank up with columbus ohio in culture.

What a big generalization. Lol.
Learn to grow up.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by randomname
just like the new york wannabes in toronto. whatever new yorkers do torontonians want to do.

if anybody in toronto ever came up with an original thought or stopped being pretentious wannabes the city would explode.

toronto is so far from being a world class city, it wouldn't even rank up with columbus ohio in culture.

How rude of you. Why don't you tell me what country, in your narrow brain, would be "good enough" to join this movement. Shame on you for your country bigotry....just shame on you.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:20 PM
In January 2010, Harper went to Saskatoon.
The press was notified 18 hours prior to his arrival.

This was during the time he prorogued (shut down) parliament.

During his last-minute announced meeting with the provincial government, a group of about 100 protestors quickly assembled and gathered to use their democratic voice peacefully. In almost -30 C weather.

The organizer was reportedly the first on the list for security risks when Harper returned to Saskatoon recently to open an international vaccine testing (!) facility.

Give me a break.

No provocateurs this day - it was too cold! HA

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:37 PM
These protests are to little to late. But if they turned into lynchings. Then they may start to consider changeing
the way they are a bit. These folks that are being protested against? They only understand a few things as rules of life. One is fear. The other is swift unmerciful complete violence. Massive bloodshed.

I'm not sorry to say it either. Because you come here for truth and that is it. The elite who are running this world, will never be threatened by this protesting crap, I can guarantee ya that.
edit on 2-10-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-10-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2011 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by jondave
If Toronto police are as aggresive as NYPD, the protest will be longer, and more violent than it ought to be. Smart police forces would do nothing against peacfull protest.

Ya when was the last time you talk to a smart cop to busy at the donut shop

Too serve and protect my ass

posted on Oct, 14 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by hypr2011

I think the general population here in Canada doesn't really understand what is going on around all of us. The majority of Canadians do believe that we are okay and doing fine, but we're just as f**ked as the rest of the world. We need to stand up and let the elite know that we're here, and we're not going anywhere. We are Anonymous and we will be the voice of the voiceless. We will make the right choices for those who remain choice-less. On a global scale, I believe people need to WAKE UP! The world is not as it seems. So please, if you are in the Greater Toronto Area this weekend, then please come on out to Bay street and show your support. And to those of you not in the GTA or Canada for that matter, you can still make a difference.
You can kill the man, but you can never kill an idea.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forget.
We do not forgive.
Expect us.

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