Daniel Bell died this year. I have followed his writings with interest all my academic life. He began to teach sociology at Columbia in 1959, the year
I joined the Baha’i Faith. He then taught at Harvard until his retirement in 1990. I won’t give you chapter and verse of his distinguished career
which you can easily access on the Internet. I began studying sociology in 1963. I taught it from 1974 until my retirement in 2005. I won’t give you
chapter and verse of my quite undistinguished career since I have been a generalist and taught many subjects. I was not the precocious student, nor
the specialist academic and prolific writer that made Bell the famous professional in the social sciences. His writings, his life and his ideas would
make an excellent, a relevant dissertation topic, somewhat tangential to the IT topics you have listed, but with heuristic connections to IT--it seems
to me anyway--and with this new world of technology that the global community has entered in the last 2 decades--to celebrate this great thinker's
life and works. I would think that few dissertations take the ideas of one of the major sociologists and connect them to the world of IT. Refreshing
and stimulating potentially to a creative IT man.-Ron Price, Pioneering Over Five Epochs, 8 August 2011.
I always liked your writings on
ideology and post-industrialism
in your two books listed among
the 100 most important books:
1950 to 2000.....There is an(1)
ambiguity, irony, complexity, &
paradox woven into our very real
world politics, you who were, a(2)
socialist in economics, a liberal in
politics, a conservative in culture.
Thanks Daniel Bolotsky! I’ll write
more about you on another day.
1 The End of Ideology(1960) and The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976) were so listed by the Times Literary Supplement.
2 Russell K. Nieli, “R.I.P. Daniel Bell,” The Socjournal: The New Journal of Sociology and Media, 15 February 2011.
edit on 4-10-2011 by RonPrice because: to add some words