posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Hello everyone. I have been cruisin' ATS for almost 2 years now and find it very informative and insightful.
I appreciate how all of you (98% +/-) have respect for everyones thoughts, ideas and differences of opinion. The topics cover quite a bit of what
tweeks my interest and has since I was a kid. A lot of my questions have been answered and more generated, only to have them explained away later by
one of you. Thank you.
I have heard and seen things in my life that have made me even more curious about this reality we live in. Some personal, some paranormal and some,
well, outerspace related but they are all chinese lanterns or swamp gas or something... ha ha .
I won't keep you much longer, but thank you all for having me here. I hope I can help someone look at something a little differently, just like you
did for me.