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WOW Confirmed 9/11 Was BLUEBEAM BETA TEST - Hologram then Explosives Show

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posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:50 AM
reply to post by ignant

Can anyone comment on 3:02-3:28 of the OP's video, or does ATS just sweep all the inconvienent crap under the 'Hoax" rug these days? Between this new Hoax Bin, the masonic gangbangings, and the missing and unsearchable threads I'm running into lately, I'm pretty quickly loosing faith in this site.
Hoax forum?

Thanks for posting the Video OP, if you had posted this here five years ago it would have been discussed rather than ridiculed and labeled, I'm sorry for that, it's a Damned shame.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by ignant

Give it up fella!!

It's total garbage like this, that is totally discrediting the 9/11 debate either way and discouraging many from seeking the true facts that unfolded that day.... and yeah, bring on a new investigation to put this to rest.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
Can anyone comment on 3:02-3:28 of the OP's video

Once the plane was destroyed inside the building and the fuel became ignited, the fireball started coming out of the center of the building, continuing out of the plane-shaped hole.

Just because a fireball came out of a hole shaped like a plane, doesn't mean "charges" are going off making the hole look like a plane.

Originally posted by twitchy
Thanks for posting the Video OP, if you had posted this here five years ago it would have been discussed rather than ridiculed and labeled

Yes, it was discussed five years ago. It was easily debunked five years ago. And the entire 9/11 Truth Movement moved on five years ago.

This garbage was easily proven a HOAX here on ATS as well and that is why this deliberately made-up disinformation is being moved to the HOAX bin.

Let it go, twitchy. You won't be convincing anybody here that no planes were used at the WTC, or that holograms, CGI, or tv fakery was used. There are far too many intelligent people on ATS to fall for that BS.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
You won't be convincing anybody here that no planes were used at the WTC, or that holograms, CGI, or tv fakery was used.

Nor do I intend to do so, I'm more interested in why this site seems determined to decide what information is valid and what isn't for the 'intelligent people' here, most folks are perfectly capapble of deciding that for themselves. Bearing that in mind before you get all riled up, watch 3:02-3:28, there is no hole until the explosion, the footage is legitimate, so maybe you can point it out.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by twitchy

Here Here!! I agree Twitchy. Last time I checked this was a conspiracy website. I KNOW the government was behind the WTC attacks. I KNOW technology exist that we can not even fathom to comprehend and is kept secret at the highest echelons of govt/business. I have never seen this theory until a couple days ago and I thank the people who keep pushing the envelope on this conspiracy. The truth is out there.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
I'm more interested in why this site seems determined to decide what information is valid and what isn't for the 'intelligent people' here

A thread gets moved to the HOAX forum because it was either proven a fraud, or a significant majority of members believe the material to be fraudulent.

This NPT, CGI, hologram, tv fakery BS was proven to be a deliberately made-up HOAX. It was proven to be a HOAX multiple times here, it has been proven multiple years before elsewhere.

ATS is not deciding what information is a HOAX or not. Us members have proven it to be a HOAX and ATS is just moving the thread accordingly.

Originally posted by twitchy
watch 3:02-3:28, there is no hole until the explosion

Actually, I don't know how you can possibly say such a thing. Watching the HD footage, the plane occupies the hole, then smoke and fire occupy the hole. The hole can't even be seen until the fires and smoke die down a little.

So, either way, there's no hole to be seen until quite a while after the impact anyway.

Finally, ATS member purchased an HD copy of the Naudet footage for $175 to show how the no-planers were making up garbage. You must've missed that thread. You can see it here:

Any time any single one of you no-planer proponents wants to debate me on the radio show or in the debate forum with "real" evidence, feel free to make the challenge. It's quite hilarious after the only other no-plane debate that I won, every other no-planer is scared to debate. Too bad, so sad.

posted on Oct, 1 2011 @ 03:38 PM
why are people who believe holograms and/or missiles painted to look like planes,

being all written off as no-planers?

obviously planes were involved but did only 2 planes (and no other false flag operation) instantly pulverize the twin towers and then later that evening a 3rd wtc building?

lol no way. moving 9/11 threads to HOAX makes sense to me since 9/11 IS the HOAX, bigger picture.

edit on 1-10-2011 by ignant because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
ATS is not deciding what information is a HOAX or not.

Like hell they aren't.

The ONLY thing about 9-11 that has been proven is that three buildings collapsed in New York, do you really think you have solved a mystery that has been in contention for a decade now? I've read your posts here, and I'm fairly willing to bet there other reasons people don't want to debate you.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by twitchy

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
ATS is not deciding what information is a HOAX or not.

Like hell they aren't.

If you honestly think that this "no plane at the WTC" or CGI/tv fakery garbage is not a HOAX, then set up a debate in the debate forum.

Put up or shut up.

If you want to keep arguing for this topic, then I suggest you start backing yourself up with some sort of facts and evidence that this is not a HOAX. If not, then stop wasting forum space and bandwidth.

Defending a known and deliberately-created HOAX is not portraying you in a very good light. Not that those who create hoaxes or defend them care anyway.

posted on Oct, 2 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Put up or shut up.

Originally posted by twitchy
I've read your posts here, and I'm fairly willing to bet there other reasons people don't want to debate you.

I think you'll figure that one out eventually.

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