posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:50 PM
The reason why this debate exists is because of religion.
Without religion there are no demons which means aliens could only be aliens.
So someone who believes that aliens are demons is a person who believes strongly is some sort of ancient religion.
Someone who doesn't believe aliens are demons are people who don't strongly subscribe to a religion.
Is is not interesting that negative or bad experiences to do with aliens or abductions are ultimately referred to as demons by a religious person and
a "bad alien/entity" by a person not strongly binded by religion?
There's not enough evidence for either side, only interpretations usually brought about by fear and lack of understanding.
This question will never be decided by debate but only in the future once science can explain to certain people.
Like Carl Sagan said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
i.e = magic, demons, religious misunderstandings.