This thread was inspired by a post I saw on a thread, which resonated within me. They desired to live in a place where they could see and feel nature,
instead of the urban pit they currently lived in.
Now my purpose in starting this thread is to provoke thought in how you can make your environment better without changing where you live. Simple
things that can bring nature nearer and give you a sense of being out there, no matter where you live.
Now I truly believe that the world is not going to end, now or in 2012. No matter how much we wish it would. I believe that this is a reflection of
our desire to get back to a more natural way of living. Ask yourselves honestly - what would you give to live a more free lifestyle - to not be in the
thrall of 'The Man'? How many of you have wished for the end of the world because it free's you from that time honoured ritual of clocking in.
My own personal fantasy would have me living on a small holding in rural Dorset (UK), living close to the earth and providing for my family whilst
watching the seasons roll by in unending glory.
However, reality holds sway. I work in a bank and have to be nice to people who ask ridiculous questions that I really can't answer - like - are you
going to go bust? Honestly - if I had the answer, which is sodding unlikely cos I'm a pleb in the universe of banking, would I really tell you?!
However, I can make my fantasy real in little increments that add up to a whole that is better.
I can bake my own bread. I have a machine. Although I used to do it all by hand - I now use a bread machine to do the hard work and then shape by hand
and bake in my oven. (as I type I have some on a final prove before going into the oven.)
I brew my own ale and wine. It doesn't take much equipment. Check it out - its really simple. Just don't stint on the sterilising!
You want to get close to nature - buy a pot plant or three. You have a balcony? Clean it off and put plants out there. They will clean the air coming
through the flat/apartment.
Grow herbs! You choose! Put them on your window sills. Fill the whole place with budding life and see how it makes you feel. Just don't forget to
water them.
Make sure your home environment is uncluttered. Do a spring clean - even if its the middle of winter. Recycle or give to charity the stuff that you
don't need. Trust me - this will give you space and make you feel good! Nature is nothing but spacious - unless you're looking for an amazonian feel
and then I would say - declutter and then fill with date palms.
Make your own chutney - its just fruit and veg with vinegar and some sugar. Its sooo very easy - just remember to save jars so you have something to
put it in.
Jam is even easier. Fruit and sugar.
Daddybear showed you how to make butter - go do it. All you need is cream and a jar. Its really easy!!!!
These are a few of my ideas and thoughts on the subject. I hope there will be a few more. But one thing I would like to say - its not where you live
physically but where you reside mentally!
Here's to making it paradise.....
Over to you ....