posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by Metaphysic
I agree with your logic of "you must know your past to guess the future more accurately"... But the problem with the past, is that it fades out with
time... The more time passes, the more traces of the past are erased... So with your mathematic analogy, it would be like if you have some of the
numbers of the equations, but only some blury dots for some others... And since the past tends to erase itself with time, and not rewrite itself, the
missing numbers won't magically appear suddenly...
Sure, you may sometimes dig out a few digits by recovering some ancient artefacts or writings, but you will never get the whole equation... and if you
try to guess what the missing numbers are, you have more chances of screwing up your equation than solving it...
That's why I think at some point we should just let the past go, and look after the future....
Well, that's just my own opinion...