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Dragonfly or something else?

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:01 AM
please watch the video till the end, and tell me if you something weird in the video!

there's some kind of "critter" behind the dragonfly (which btw looks huge)
edit on 29-9-2011 by Picollo30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:20 AM
That was extremely hard to watch with all the stuttering... To me it looks like a piece of fluff or spider web caught on it's body

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:21 AM
Looks like some grass stuck in a spiderweb, maybe a walking stick.

Could be an alien, but in that case, i wouldent worry about an invasion

edit on 29-9-2011 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2011 by Mianeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:24 AM
reply to post by Picollo30

It looks like fluff or spider web. even if it was an "Alien critter" it'd be like 2 inches big, hardly creepy or scary imo.

Possibly one of the worst videos of its kind that I've seen.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:25 AM
While filming a dragonfly I inadvertently captured some kind of alien critter doing strange things next to the dragonfly and whilest going through this footage I discovered that the dragonfly, just before take off appeared to have some kind of helmet device, which opened up exposing a head from inside it. It's like a Transformer. I have trawled the internet to find a comparison but was unable to find anything like this! It makes me wonder whether the dragonfly is real or not?

I fail to see what the camera man is talking about. definitely no transformation with a helmet and a head..

spider web or dandelion fluff I think. Not an Extraterrestial

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:28 AM
the video was definitely pretty hard to watch with all that stuttering
but yeah, weird goings on with the head..
i haven't watched a dragonfly take off in slow-mo before
maybe that is normal?

also the other thing; definitely not a spiderweb.
doesn't look much like a stick insect either
at first it looked like one of the dragonfly's rear legs
but then it got all funky....
where did this happen, do we know?
OP, did you take this video or find it?

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:31 AM
reply to post by decepticonLaura

Why do you say "definitely not a spider web" ? If it looks like spider web and acts like spider web....

I'm just curious why you have reached a "definite" conclusion on the weird substance

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by decepticonLaura
the video was definitely pretty hard to watch with all that stuttering
but yeah, weird goings on with the head..
i haven't watched a dragonfly take off in slow-mo before
maybe that is normal?

also the other thing; definitely not a spiderweb.
doesn't look much like a stick insect either
at first it looked like one of the dragonfly's rear legs
but then it got all funky....
where did this happen, do we know?
OP, did you take this video or find it?

found a link to it on the

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by decepticonLaura

ah ha ha ha...

It's like a Transformer.

So I see mentioning transformers got the attention of an Decepticon...

I'm on to you

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:43 AM
I did not watch the video, but something about the description someone posted above about the helmet opening to reveal the head caught my attention. It possibly could have been one of these:

Dr agonfly and moth drones

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:31 AM
The aliens are invading -
and they're carrying video recorders and Ipads.

I worry about kids who don't know what a piece of seed fluff is.
Ah, the perils of urban existence.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by Picollo30

It appears to be either a Ruddy or a Common Darter, related to dragonflies and not uncommon in the UK. I can't detect any shapeshifting (it's not a known feature of either species), but there certainly is some lousy presentation and interference with speed which may be intended to dramatise what is probably a small piece of web or foliage being lightly blown around.

Or it was ejected by Comet Elenin. One of the two.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Nomad451
reply to post by decepticonLaura

Why do you say "definitely not a spider web" ? If it looks like spider web and acts like spider web....

I'm just curious why you have reached a "definite" conclusion on the weird substance

perhaps spiderwebs act differently in your part of the world to mine
around here when a spiderweb is broken it kind of flutters in the wind like a loose string
or clumps up with the rest of the web
i've never seen any that have parts that stay straight in direct defiance of gravity
or with kind of elbow joint looking jazz going on
especially siince said elbow joints even seem to have a touch of colour
not saying it's an alien
just that i've never seen a spiderweb act even slightly like that

unrelated note; yeah, us decepticons have to stick together. though if that's Shrapnel someone's gotta tell him the diet isn't working out.


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