posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 01:03 AM
My name is Zach and I'm a coal miner from West Virginia. Several months ago I was going to try to be a freemason like my father. I started searching
stuff on the internet and eventually stumbled across things such as the illuminati and other things involved with freemason conspiracies that changed
my mind. I continued to search and it eventually took me to ATS, after that I was on the page everyday. It has opened my mind to other conspiracy
theories and has honestly impacted me in a big way. I want to inform friends and family of the things I've learned but I want to know more about the
subjects an what better way to do that then to converse with people who are well knowledged. I hope this is enough information about myself and my
intentions on this site. Thank you for accepting me into the ATS family!