Hello everyone!
Decided that I needed to make an account so that I could contribute to some of the wonderful posts that are put up here. I hope to be able to add
my own threads of significance when I can.
Things that interest me:
NWO/Illuminati and any of the connections that seem to come around all the time
Ancient civilizations and technology ( Gotta love Slayers threads on this stuff )
Aircraft. Old and future... P51 Mustang, P38 Lightning, and F15 are my personal favorites. I hope that the secret space program is true, as I
have always dreamed about being to go off world.
Music. Been very involved in many styles of music over the years, originally as a musician, now just a listener.
Earthquakes/Tectonics/Volcanoes. Living in the PNW, and having heard Mt St Helens blow as a kid, I have always been very interested in these
The power of the human mind, insight and intuition. Something that I think many people overlook.
Many others that I cannot think of off the top of my head
I seem to have a appetite for learning, and have an ability to put together
seemingly random bits into a coherent picture. This site has already given me much food for thought, and opened up some new doors to insights that
were just out of reach before.
Thank you for the site!
PS, Im also a car freak... so if you like fast cars, Im your huckleberry
Edit to add: I am also a huge Sci-Fi fan. Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke are some of my heros
edit on 9/27/2011 by MoparDanno because: (no
reason given)