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Racial tensions in Philly: Mob attacks man in his house - 'We got you, you white mother-------!'

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

white on black=hate crime.

black on white=definitely not racially motivated.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Ha, if this had happened to me in MY house, they wouldn't have ever gotten past the front door. As for the guy with the pistol, I'm accurate out to 130 yards, he is maybe accurate at 20 but he's also a black gangster so the chances he just sprayfires like a baby playing call of duty is very likely. This guy has no one to blame but himself. If you don't want to be assaulted by gangsters and thugs, buy a damn good gun and learn how to use it with military precision. I guarantee if this guy was a marine, all of them would be dead and the marine would have himself a shiny new pistol

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

born and raised in philly, i know a guy that keeps a shotgun under the couch and pistol at his side. hes had people breaking in his windows and it only took a warning shot to stop it, no one will mess with him anymore because he loves his guns. your being overly pessimistic.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:54 AM
If I got offended in life everytime I got called cracker, etc. I would have already been sentenced. I'm tired of race issues all together. Parts of life all hate us the same, this is becoming one if not the biggest waste of human time and behavior of all time. This is something that happens millions of times a day across the world.

Call me racist names it doesn't anger me, but when the time comes you come into my home thinking your going to be the one, it will not turn out like your dreams, I don't care what color you are.

This is nothing. But I get the perspective OP.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

I'm not making any claims that require proof, you are.

In any case, you win. You've dodged answering the important question long enough that now I'm just ready to dismiss you and throw you in the "not worth my time" bin. It's obvious you are stuck in your methods of analyzing events, and will always have a finger ready to point at who you believe is at fault, no matter how obscure or even non existent the evidence may be.

Throughout human history one group thinks they are better than another, they fight, wage war, seek to eliminate.. But now that it's happening during an election period it's because of one particular political party... Really, really great detective work here, Sherlock!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by KevinB
Ha, if this had happened to me in MY house, they wouldn't have ever gotten past the front door. As for the guy with the pistol, I'm accurate out to 130 yards, he is maybe accurate at 20 but he's also a black gangster so the chances he just sprayfires like a baby playing call of duty is very likely. This guy has no one to blame but himself. If you don't want to be assaulted by gangsters and thugs, buy a damn good gun and learn how to use it with military precision. I guarantee if this guy was a marine, all of them would be dead and the marine would have himself a shiny new pistol

What about your accuracy at 5 yards? With his gun already pointed at you and your gun in the drawer next to you?
Do you drop and roll out of the bed, fumble with the damn stuck drawer all the while he points his gun at your wife?

Wow, many Clint Eastwoods here tonight.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by MasterGemini

It is sad to hear about things like this, but . . .

I predict more and more as the Democrats continue their race baiting rhetoric.

I dont see this prediction being related to the political situations these were just some ignorant sapiens sapiens acting wronge. 1 doesnt know what started all this but it wasnt the democratic party my friend.

be well

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

"It is sad to hear about things like this, but I predict more and more as the Democrats continue their race baiting."

reading that makes me sad. i'm reading more and more lines like this in all sorts of threads, cheap shots and snark that people feel must be said which has nothing to do with topicality and everything to do with personal dislike.

yesterday in a OP by a girl visiting the Northeast section of America to attend a wedding, she had to make a remark about visiting a place where people were godless. as if Massachusetts does not have it's share of all sorts of houses of worship. it was ignorant and insulting to the people of that region.

day before that, a thread about some drunk loudmouth jackass making a crude comment to Sarah Palin's daughter, who was out at a bar to have fun and was riding the mechanical bull. that poster felt it was necessary to make remarks about the drunken fool, calling him a Liberal. there was no politics involved, but her personal agenda took her post there.

seeing things that don't exist is not healthy.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by TinkerHaus
reply to post by MasterGemini

now I'm just ready to dismiss you and throw you in the "not worth my time" bin. It's obvious you are stuck in your methods of analyzing events, and will always have a finger ready to point at who you believe is at fault, no matter how obscure or even non existent the evidence may be.

Throughout human history one group thinks they are better than another

Pot calling the kettle black. . . .

Have a nice day.

Like I could really care that a stranger on the internet is putting me in their 'not worth my time' bin.

You have one of those?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Why didn't he have a gun to defend himself? As soon as that mob kicked in my door they would have become bodies instead of people. I will never understand why people allow themselves to be victimized.

I agree with you 210%, this right here is reason #6,472 why I have a permit to carry, and carry a gun with me everywhere. It's sad that people have to live in fear. My house was robbed 3 years ago while my wife and kids were at home, and I was at work. The man already had my wife at gunpoint while she was sleeping so she had no chance to get the other gun out. If I had been there, there would have been a chalk line on my dining room floor. "Refuse to be a victim" I live by that. These people are damn lucky this guy wasnt armed.

Yepp, and your wife would propably be dead by now. How would you have solved the puzzle with his gun to your wifes head? Shoot him? He could have shot your wife with the last breath. I don't think I would hesitate to let him have my belongings as long as he wouldn't hurt my beloved ones. Items are insured and can be replaced. My family not.

not so fast slick. I stay up past midnight every night, she was asleep at 9:30, I would have been up for sure to meet this guy at the window. YOUR NOT GETTING THE PICTURE OBVIOUSLY. I guess I have to explain things in detail. If I had been there, this guy would not have had the chance to do half the # he did. YOU FOLLOW? OR DO I HAVE TO BUST OUT THE CRAYONS AND CONSTRUCTION PAPER................

Don't worry, I get the picture. You are waiting by the door, gun in your hand and as soon as the door opens, you shoot in the general direction of the door, hitting him directly between the eyes.

Or another picture - he opens your front door (he didn't bash it in, or your family would have waken up by the sound) and steps inside. You are in your bed. Reading or whatever. He silently moves through your house. You hear a noise - what now? Could be the kids, maybe heading for the toilet. Do you pull a gun out of the next drawer?

Well, maybe you should draw a picture. I'm not sure how the situation works out in your mind.
In my mind I see a lot of chaos with a high probability of bloodshed. Yours? His? Your familys?

I'm a light sleeper, dont go to sleep until late, and check every noise I hear. I guess thats my curse of being a 12 year Air Force TACP vet. (so I guess that would make me a good shot too, and not just shooting in the general direction.)

edit on 27/9/11 by gunshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by gougitousakusha
reply to post by ManFromEurope

born and raised in philly, i know a guy that keeps a shotgun under the couch and pistol at his side. hes had people breaking in his windows and it only took a warning shot to stop it, no one will mess with him anymore because he loves his guns. your being overly pessimistic.

There's a thing I can't understand - weapons within reach without safety measures. I have little kids, I wouldn't leave arms laying around. If the overall situation in the neigborhood is as bad that I would have to sleep with a loaded gun under my cushion, well, I would move..

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by ManFromEurope

well different situations for different people, his youngest was 17 at the time and had a hefty knife collection of his own, kids a body builder as well and could knock them out barehanded if it came down to it. i would not advise a shotgun under the couch with little kids, but then i wouldnt advise someone with little kids to live in the ghetto of south philly iether.
edit on 27-9-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-9-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Why didn't he have a gun to defend himself? As soon as that mob kicked in my door they would have become bodies instead of people. I will never understand why people allow themselves to be victimized.

I agree with you 210%, this right here is reason #6,472 why I have a permit to carry, and carry a gun with me everywhere. It's sad that people have to live in fear. My house was robbed 3 years ago while my wife and kids were at home, and I was at work. The man already had my wife at gunpoint while she was sleeping so she had no chance to get the other gun out. If I had been there, there would have been a chalk line on my dining room floor. "Refuse to be a victim" I live by that. These people are damn lucky this guy wasnt armed.

Yepp, and your wife would propably be dead by now. How would you have solved the puzzle with his gun to your wifes head? Shoot him? He could have shot your wife with the last breath. I don't think I would hesitate to let him have my belongings as long as he wouldn't hurt my beloved ones. Items are insured and can be replaced. My family not.

not so fast slick. I stay up past midnight every night, she was asleep at 9:30, I would have been up for sure to meet this guy at the window. YOUR NOT GETTING THE PICTURE OBVIOUSLY. I guess I have to explain things in detail. If I had been there, this guy would not have had the chance to do half the # he did. YOU FOLLOW? OR DO I HAVE TO BUST OUT THE CRAYONS AND CONSTRUCTION PAPER................

Don't worry, I get the picture. You are waiting by the door, gun in your hand and as soon as the door opens, you shoot in the general direction of the door, hitting him directly between the eyes.

Or another picture - he opens your front door (he didn't bash it in, or your family would have waken up by the sound) and steps inside. You are in your bed. Reading or whatever. He silently moves through your house. You hear a noise - what now? Could be the kids, maybe heading for the toilet. Do you pull a gun out of the next drawer?

Well, maybe you should draw a picture. I'm not sure how the situation works out in your mind.
In my mind I see a lot of chaos with a high probability of bloodshed. Yours? His? Your familys?

I'm a light sleeper, dont go to sleep until late, and check every noise I hear. I guess thats my curse of being a 12 year Air Force TACP vet. (so I guess that would make me a good shot too, and not just shooting in the general direction.)

Okay, now you have every possible advantage. Under these circumstances I give up, you may defend your home.. But you should honestly admit that not everyone can be so prepared, right?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by MasterGemini

As a long-time resident of Philly, this comes as no shock. And yes, well before Obama took office, this city was filled with racial hatred. After this past summer, when a curfew FINALLY stopped the flash mob attacks, (again, no shock) I wasn't the only person waiting for the hatred's new form to manifest. I've been called a white trashsucking mutha-&%#% for years. I've lived in NYC, Chicago and Boston, and they don't have squat on Philly's racial hatred.

This hatred has not been politically-inspired.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Why didn't he have a gun to defend himself? As soon as that mob kicked in my door they would have become bodies instead of people. I will never understand why people allow themselves to be victimized.

I agree with you 210%, this right here is reason #6,472 why I have a permit to carry, and carry a gun with me everywhere. It's sad that people have to live in fear. My house was robbed 3 years ago while my wife and kids were at home, and I was at work. The man already had my wife at gunpoint while she was sleeping so she had no chance to get the other gun out. If I had been there, there would have been a chalk line on my dining room floor. "Refuse to be a victim" I live by that. These people are damn lucky this guy wasnt armed.

Yepp, and your wife would propably be dead by now. How would you have solved the puzzle with his gun to your wifes head? Shoot him? He could have shot your wife with the last breath. I don't think I would hesitate to let him have my belongings as long as he wouldn't hurt my beloved ones. Items are insured and can be replaced. My family not.

not so fast slick. I stay up past midnight every night, she was asleep at 9:30, I would have been up for sure to meet this guy at the window. YOUR NOT GETTING THE PICTURE OBVIOUSLY. I guess I have to explain things in detail. If I had been there, this guy would not have had the chance to do half the # he did. YOU FOLLOW? OR DO I HAVE TO BUST OUT THE CRAYONS AND CONSTRUCTION PAPER................

Don't worry, I get the picture. You are waiting by the door, gun in your hand and as soon as the door opens, you shoot in the general direction of the door, hitting him directly between the eyes.

Or another picture - he opens your front door (he didn't bash it in, or your family would have waken up by the sound) and steps inside. You are in your bed. Reading or whatever. He silently moves through your house. You hear a noise - what now? Could be the kids, maybe heading for the toilet. Do you pull a gun out of the next drawer?

Well, maybe you should draw a picture. I'm not sure how the situation works out in your mind.
In my mind I see a lot of chaos with a high probability of bloodshed. Yours? His? Your familys?

Funny how all the people theorizing on what MIGHT happen have obviously never been in that type of situation.
They assume burglars are pro's and home owners with guns are inept ignorant idiopts that cant use their weapon.
That's a fatal mistake many crooks make.

From experience, it USUALLY ends with a dead burglar.
How many reports have you heard of an ARMED victim getting shot?
I think you should look at facts.

Armed "victims" rarely get shot... usually it's the dumb crook who thought armed robbery was an easier way to get paiud than a job.
Thye already arent very smart...and are usually desparate and not thinking clearly.. that's why they end up in a body bag.

IMHO, it's better to have a gun for defense and not need it, than to need one and not have it.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Why didn't he have a gun to defend himself? As soon as that mob kicked in my door they would have become bodies instead of people. I will never understand why people allow themselves to be victimized.

I agree with you 210%, this right here is reason #6,472 why I have a permit to carry, and carry a gun with me everywhere. It's sad that people have to live in fear. My house was robbed 3 years ago while my wife and kids were at home, and I was at work. The man already had my wife at gunpoint while she was sleeping so she had no chance to get the other gun out. If I had been there, there would have been a chalk line on my dining room floor. "Refuse to be a victim" I live by that. These people are damn lucky this guy wasnt armed.

Yepp, and your wife would propably be dead by now. How would you have solved the puzzle with his gun to your wifes head? Shoot him? He could have shot your wife with the last breath. I don't think I would hesitate to let him have my belongings as long as he wouldn't hurt my beloved ones. Items are insured and can be replaced. My family not.

not so fast slick. I stay up past midnight every night, she was asleep at 9:30, I would have been up for sure to meet this guy at the window. YOUR NOT GETTING THE PICTURE OBVIOUSLY. I guess I have to explain things in detail. If I had been there, this guy would not have had the chance to do half the # he did. YOU FOLLOW? OR DO I HAVE TO BUST OUT THE CRAYONS AND CONSTRUCTION PAPER................

Don't worry, I get the picture. You are waiting by the door, gun in your hand and as soon as the door opens, you shoot in the general direction of the door, hitting him directly between the eyes.

Or another picture - he opens your front door (he didn't bash it in, or your family would have waken up by the sound) and steps inside. You are in your bed. Reading or whatever. He silently moves through your house. You hear a noise - what now? Could be the kids, maybe heading for the toilet. Do you pull a gun out of the next drawer?

Well, maybe you should draw a picture. I'm not sure how the situation works out in your mind.
In my mind I see a lot of chaos with a high probability of bloodshed. Yours? His? Your familys?

I'm a light sleeper, dont go to sleep until late, and check every noise I hear. I guess thats my curse of being a 12 year Air Force TACP vet. (so I guess that would make me a good shot too, and not just shooting in the general direction.)

Okay, now you have every possible advantage. Under these circumstances I give up, you may defend your home.. But you should honestly admit that not everyone can be so prepared, right?

Thats their own fault for not doing what it takes to be prepared. I learned at an early age growing up in a rough neighborhood to make sure you can be prepared for as much as possible, part of that is what drove me to be in TACP. If someone is not willing to learn how to defend them self or take the measure to do so, they have no right to complain when they become the victim because half the blame falls on them for not taking steps in the first place.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by BadNinja68

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gunshooter

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
Why didn't he have a gun to defend himself? As soon as that mob kicked in my door they would have become bodies instead of people. I will never understand why people allow themselves to be victimized.

I agree with you 210%, this right here is reason #6,472 why I have a permit to carry, and carry a gun with me everywhere. It's sad that people have to live in fear. My house was robbed 3 years ago while my wife and kids were at home, and I was at work. The man already had my wife at gunpoint while she was sleeping so she had no chance to get the other gun out. If I had been there, there would have been a chalk line on my dining room floor. "Refuse to be a victim" I live by that. These people are damn lucky this guy wasnt armed.

Yepp, and your wife would propably be dead by now. How would you have solved the puzzle with his gun to your wifes head? Shoot him? He could have shot your wife with the last breath. I don't think I would hesitate to let him have my belongings as long as he wouldn't hurt my beloved ones. Items are insured and can be replaced. My family not.

not so fast slick. I stay up past midnight every night, she was asleep at 9:30, I would have been up for sure to meet this guy at the window. YOUR NOT GETTING THE PICTURE OBVIOUSLY. I guess I have to explain things in detail. If I had been there, this guy would not have had the chance to do half the # he did. YOU FOLLOW? OR DO I HAVE TO BUST OUT THE CRAYONS AND CONSTRUCTION PAPER................

Don't worry, I get the picture. You are waiting by the door, gun in your hand and as soon as the door opens, you shoot in the general direction of the door, hitting him directly between the eyes.

Or another picture - he opens your front door (he didn't bash it in, or your family would have waken up by the sound) and steps inside. You are in your bed. Reading or whatever. He silently moves through your house. You hear a noise - what now? Could be the kids, maybe heading for the toilet. Do you pull a gun out of the next drawer?

Well, maybe you should draw a picture. I'm not sure how the situation works out in your mind.
In my mind I see a lot of chaos with a high probability of bloodshed. Yours? His? Your familys?

Funny how all the people theorizing on what MIGHT happen have obviously never been in that type of situation.
They assume burglars are pro's and home owners with guns are inept ignorant idiopts that cant use their weapon.
That's a fatal mistake many crooks make.

From experience, it USUALLY ends with a dead burglar.
How many reports have you heard of an ARMED victim getting shot?
I think you should look at facts.

Armed "victims" rarely get shot... usually it's the dumb crook who thought armed robbery was an easier way to get paiud than a job.
Thye already arent very smart...and are usually desparate and not thinking clearly.. that's why they end up in a body bag.

IMHO, it's better to have a gun for defense and not need it, than to need one and not have it.

just like carrying a condom !!!

better to have one and not need it, than to need it and not have one........
edit on 27/9/11 by gunshooter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:20 AM

I predict more and more as the Democrats continue their race baiting rhetoric.
edit on 27-9-2011 by MasterGemini because: wha wha wha cry about it

A good post ruined by silly political baiting... sigh...

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Liberals are definitely not directly responsible for this....but they should think twice about the implications and effects of their baseless, elaborate claims and race-baiting rhetoric. Saying things like "conservatives want black people back in shackles" based on criticisms of Obama's policies or pointing out the reality of interracial crime only reinforces this thuggish racially-driven behavior. Just hope that you yourself or your children are not someday targeted.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by ManFromEurope

Originally posted by gougitousakusha
reply to post by ManFromEurope

born and raised in philly, i know a guy that keeps a shotgun under the couch and pistol at his side. hes had people breaking in his windows and it only took a warning shot to stop it, no one will mess with him anymore because he loves his guns. your being overly pessimistic.

There's a thing I can't understand - weapons within reach without safety measures. I have little kids, I wouldn't leave arms laying around. If the overall situation in the neigborhood is as bad that I would have to sleep with a loaded gun under my cushion, well, I would move..

Also to add, sometimes we cant choose where to live due to financial issues. But you can take common sense steps in learning to defend your family, self, and home.

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