posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Regardless of ethnicity, every human in Bulgaria is a citizen, fully entitled to all that it entails to being a citizen, regardless if 'bulgarian'
or 'gypsies' immigrants. We are all humans first, brothers and sisters all, with only common aims in our journey of life regardless of our
There are some whom claimed derisively that american perspectives are based upon self righteous 'titan morality'. Many point to the red indians,
indigenous peoples of america. There were admittedly flawed policies then, but today, look at them. Many of them had aspired or are on the way to the
american dream - entreprenuers, congressmen, senators, -contributors of society.
Point is, humans are flawed, and make mistakes in every imaginable way. But we do have the capacity to realize such errors, and correct them, so that
we, brothers and sisters can progress and evolve. Just as the red indians had today, no different from any other american and whom had and will lay
down his/her life for society when threatened, and to slog so that it will progress, sufferings alleviated and lives elevated.
Who were these 'americans' today? They were only immigrants from every corner of Planet Earth, welcome by noble and enlightened founding fathers.
The inscription on the Statue of Liberty, that greeted all new immigrants then, encapsulate the joyous and embracing of fellow humans:-
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
It's already 200+ years since that statue and inscription was placed. And anyone can see the truth in that statement in today's financial turmoil.
Despite all that happened, mankind trusted USA enough to place their only belongings in this world - wealth - in USA and hopes it will protect it.
It was USA that the children of Libyan rebels that pleaded to, - Mama Clinton - to help save them when faced with a murderous powerful thugs in their
country. I can list more. It will be history. But only truth. A reality of WHO the americans are. They are the descendants of those hardworking
immigrants whom made USA great, along thankfully with the noble and courageous founding fathers' sacred constitution.
Americans are only humans. With flaws like anyone else. And bled the same as anyone else. Yet...americans created a stable society, even though there
were mistakes along the way, but also, an impetous and national desire to rectify ithem, not just for onself, but for all and future generations when
it counts.
So too can Bulgarians.
There will always be some whom will milk the system for benefits, but not only solely the gypsies. Also bulgarians too. Good and bad exists in ALL
If the supposed 'affirmative actions' to help the gypsies to blend in to bulgarian society did not help, it only means it had failed, and its
implementation is flawed, and needs CORRECTION to determine better policies, just as the american red indians had improved and are no longer dependent
on 'reservations' to survive.
Such corrections will not come overnight. It will take time. But the 1st step, like all necessary changes, begins with you and me, to seek for the
truth, to discuss and debate with our families and social networks, to find solutions. And then when the critical mass is achieved, change will
happen, without any more hurt or harm to precious human lives, no matter how impossible it may seem to us, for we only look at the problems as one.
We are powerless as one, but when combined with our families and social network, yours and mine, we represent societies, if not mankind itself.
Sorry for my long post, but thanks for reading if you got to here. Good Luck! :-)