There's a similar thread
here. Allow me to repeat the comment I made on it, as the
topic is almost identical:
Here's my outrageous thought. Shoot it down and disagree if you want - I won't be offended. It's not so much the NASA news conference that got me
sitting up straight, but the ESA seminar in Poland. Here's why:
Germany wants to attack Iran. Germany has a shopping list to achieve a surprise attack:
- European economic unity through an engineered Euro crisis, with EU members handing over their sovereignty
- This will pave the way for a huge European Defense Force with a new HQ somewhere in Europe by the end of this year if you believe Catherine
- a German/Saudi led military coalition of a group of Arab nations
- EDF (and/or UN) military presence at strategic positions in the Middle East
- nukes on the ready: French, British, Pakistani nukes borrowed by the Saudis, whatever they can get their hands on.
Unfortunately, Germany can only get all parties on board if the Palestinians get their West Bank and East Jerusalem. Israel would never have that,
because the land belongs to God and they can't give away God's land, as they see it. But the Israelis are in a mighty pickle: surrounded by enemies
and not enough protection. So they will agree to a swap: land to the Palestinians in return for German led European protection. Their chiefs of staff
have already cozied up together and made strong joint statements to warn off Iran.
Will Angela Merkel pull it off? After all, she promised us two things by this autumn: 1. economic unity in Europe, and 2. a Comprehensive Middle East
Peace Agreement. Her very own words. Spoken earlier this year.
I find the ESA seminar far more ominous than the NASA news conference. ESA = European high tech defense. All decision makers together in one handy
place on the day the German Bundestag votes on economic unity through some cleverly crafted 'rescue' package, and who knows, will the UN Security
Council have finished their back room negotiations on the same day and be ready to vote on Palestinian independence, the lynch pin of the deceptive
Comprehensive Middle East Peace Agreement, which is nothing more but a huge military alliance to attack Iran?
The date: 29th of September. Or to be more precise: in the dark of night after sunset.
Dare to think the unthinkable. Inspired by Peter Woolford's book The Genesis Grid, which predicts something major happening in the night of the 29th
of September. A headline grabbing event which will involve power, the end of an empire and the beginning of a new one, and fraud & deception and
finance. A major power will be cut down, through fraud, deception and hidden powers.
Watch the night after the 29th of September. Watch the Bundestag's vote. Watch the UN vote in New York. Because I think the delegates to the ESA
seminar will.