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Bake sale's racial pricing rocks UC Berkeley campus

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by celticsea
reply to post by aching_knuckles

I think you have a problem with white people. If someone kicks in my door because I have done something wrong then I will deal with it.

See, heres where you guys just go nuts. You cant even fathom a viewpoint outside of your white safety bubble. I dont hate white people. What, I hate my dad? Dont be stupid.

Who is pulling the race card now? You dont agree with or want to hear what I have to say, so I hate white people? Sheesh.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by aching_knuckles

If thats what you call smallpox blankets...

I never said war is pretty. It is no worse than the Mongols who used young boys as shields on their horses in battle against the Russians.

and who is this we?

You want to treat everything as racial so I made it racial: we = white people.

you claim hungarian ancestry, but then you want to claim american ancestry as well?

I do not claim American ancestry, 'we' was meant to be used as a racial categorization.

You want to take credit for everything "white", while not accepting any of the blame?

I do not personally take credit for everything "white" but if I did then yes I would have to take credit for the 'blame' as well. No people are saints, every race has proven that.

Your arguments are not well thought out; they are merely justifications.

Yes the actions of the past are not exactly perfect or something you really want to bring up but I acknowledge them and accept it as part of my race's history; both the good and the bad. In my opinion, the good far out ways the bad, I mean, you have access to the internet, freedom of speech, medicine, cheap consumer goods, and safety almost never before seen in world history. This all in a nation founded by oh yeah, white people. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
edit on 9/27/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by juniperberry
So what I'm hearing from a lot of posters here is that, as a white person, I am supposed to accept being discriminated against for the next 100 years because we have to atone for what "our ancestors" did to others in the past?

No, what I am saying is that if you dont try to fix this now, that is what is going to happen. Not because its right, but because white people abused their power for so long, when the pendulum wings back the other way, it is going to be vicious.

So white people in america have 2 choices right now: rebuild bridges and repair relationships, and acknowledge the evil deeds of the past, or graba bucnh of guns, hunker down and wait for the bad # to come.

Trust me, I dont want a race war as some white people seem to want. I want white people to man up and say "Hey, we did something that wasnt right, and heres what we are going to do to fix this, because obviously here in america # is #ed up."

Am I saying take white peoples houses and money? No that is just stupid. More taxes for welfare? No, welfare will not help. There must be a culture change, an attitude change, not jsut of whites, not jsut of blacks, but of everyone working together and moving forward.

Whites whining about being discriminated against is sniveling and pathetic.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

We have to move forward. We cannot be hateful to each other. There are all kinds of people living in pain.
We have to do the best we can. God would not want this division. Move on and deal with it.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Gee why would we possibly feel shafted?
I mean a person only worked so hard in school for 13 years just to apply to a college then be rejected because their color of skin is not what the college was looking for. The Asians have it even worse than the Whites!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Misoir

Yes the actions of the past are not exactly perfect or something you really want to bring up but I acknowledge them and accept it as part of my race's history; both the good and the bad. In my opinion, the good far out ways the bad, I mean, you have access to the internet, freedom of speech, medicine, cheap consumer goods, and safety almost never before seen in world history. This all in a nation founded by oh yeah, white people. Not too bad if I do say so myself.
edit on 9/27/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

For someone seemingly so smart, the small mindedness of your views on race shock me and I find them reprehensible.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Im not saying feel guilty. Im saying acknowledge it, and help make it right. Dont you see how selfish it is for white people to whine "OMG I cant go to my number one choice in college, because some filthy black person took my spot!"? It wouldnt be that hard to help out and do the right thing, but for some reason, whites in america today have the balls to somehow feel shafted. Makes no sense.

Did that black person get in on his own merit, using the same criteria as the rest of the possible entrants? Or did he get in because he was Black? That is the question.

If he got in because he was smarter and more qualified than me, then great! But if he got in because "we have to be more diverse", that is where the problem lies..

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Okay so then I am wrong in what I had wrote? The US was not founded by white people? You do not have access to the internet? You do not have freedom of speech? Tell me what I said that was wrong please so I know what to study!

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:52 PM
reply to post by juniperberry

Exactly thank you. We need to refocus on merit not color, gender, or sexual orientation. That is just purely ridiculous. If you have lower test scores than me I should obviously be higher up on the list then you, or vice versa. Not because we have different skin colors.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by juniperberry

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Im not saying feel guilty. Im saying acknowledge it, and help make it right. Dont you see how selfish it is for white people to whine "OMG I cant go to my number one choice in college, because some filthy black person took my spot!"? It wouldnt be that hard to help out and do the right thing, but for some reason, whites in america today have the balls to somehow feel shafted. Makes no sense.

Did that black person get in on his own merit, using the same criteria as the rest of the possible entrants? Or did he get in because he was Black? That is the question.

If he got in because he was smarter and more qualified than me, then great! But if he got in because "we have to be more diverse", that is where the problem lies..

WHO #ING CARES? Are you saying mythical white person with a 4.0 GPA and extracurricular activities isnt going to get an education? That because of some minority now taking their spot, they are going to have to resort to working at mickey ds and forgoing school?

You people just keep repeating the same tired crap, it honestly pains me that this is the intellectual level of discussion. Deny ignorance? Yeah, sure buddy.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by stinger94

To show a point that whites are being discriminated against as well. If you scored very high on your SAT's and held a 3.7-4.0, and were involved in a lot of extracurricular activities you can be wait listed or not accepting because they, (the colleges) are trying to appear to be culturally diverse. Could they have done it in a different way?

If a person has a 4.0, they can get an education. They are whining because THEY MIGHT NOT GET TO GO TO THEIR FIRST SCHOOL OF CHOICE.

Its not like the poor white kid with a 4.0 is not going ot be admitted to any school. Stop being silly.
edit on 27-9-2011 by aching_knuckles because: (no reason given)

I can't argue with you anymore. I too am part native American, Menominee to be precise. Maybe I wasn't Chippewa, or Seminole but I expect to be judged by my actions not by my skin tone. You look at all white people and think they're evil. Never mind the countless other races that do the same thing. Many native Americans stole money that was given too them and didn't share with their tribes. Many Native American tribes since the 70's and 80's have been taking after what the blacks did in the civil rights marches by using the courts, and have won many trials.
Don't be silly? The atrocities against native Americans is worse than pretty much any other ethnicity in America. As it pertains to America. You seem to believe in a notion that many of your own peers don't share. That because of the past, before this country was a country, and even after, you should be given something for nothing, and you continue to take because of your white half. You are contradicting yourself entirely. You hate what the white man did to your ancestors, and to a certain point today and want all the tribes land back, yet you use to your advantage the tone of your skin to get places, or to achieve more in life. So, you are a white hating white man. Congrats,
It isn't the fact a 4.0 student can't get their first choice, it's the fact that many aren't being looked at for their accomplishments in life. How would you feel if Native Americans were getting 4.0's and weren't being allowed their choice in schools because whites or any other race gets in b ecause a school wants to seem culturally diverse? You are just as prejudiced if not moreso than the people you claim to hate.
Say the government gave back all your tribes land, what happens to all the people living on it that aren't white? Would you like to give them blankets with smallpox on them? Probably not because they aren't white. You bring no legitimate argument, you are a pompous racist who only cares about your own agenda and using subterfuge to get what you want.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Okay so then I am wrong in what I had wrote? The US was not founded by white people? You do not have access to the internet? You do not have freedom of speech? Tell me what I said that was wrong please so I know what to study!

Whites held down other races, then says "Look at all the stuff we did while we held you down! Arent we great?"

So whites founded medicine, huh? So whites made the internet, huh? Who makes all the electronic parts so you can get on the internet? I guarantee your computer wasnt made in america. Oh, and all those other cheap goods you talk about came from white people selling out their own countrymen for a profit, and shipping that # in from china.

but lets not think about that, right?

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Yes there have been injustices done to the native american. But haven't there been injustices done to all people?
Maybe this opinion of yours keeps you from living your life as God would want you to. Making the best of what you have and dealing with the lot in life God gave you. We are all to overcome this world with his help.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 07:59 PM
if this treatment were given to whites, everyone would call it completely racist. another nice double standard.

"The issue is not whether one thinks an action is satirical or inoffensive, the issue is whether community members will be intentionally -- or unintentionally -- hurt or demeaned by that action," Birgeneau wrote, adding, "intelligent debate is based on mutual respect."

you want mutual respect between a diverse community, but then you turn around and use race and gender as deciding factors in whether someone gets accepted? the liberals are so angry because this is an accurate portrayal of the bill.

this bill has the potential to keep students, who worked very hard for years, from getting accepted, based only on their skin color: white. an "A" student and a "C" student apply. reason dictates that the "A" student would be accepted over the "C" student, yet lo and behold, the quota for white students has been filled, so the "C" student is chosen.

hard work is punished, and laziness is rewarded.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:00 PM
This is the best things Republicans have done since taking on the Confederacy!
I fully support this type of expression and dialogue, it is healthy and good, may
people get very angry over this! I want to drive up their just to ask how they will
charge me, based upon mix ethnicity.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by stinger94
How would you feel if Native Americans were getting 4.0's and weren't being allowed their choice in schools because whites or any other race gets in b ecause a school wants to seem culturally diverse?

If every native got 4.0s, and every single one of them wwanted to go to harvard, and they all got accepted, and whites and blacks bitched, I would absolutely say to let some of the blacks and whites in, even if they only got 3.8s. To not do so is just stupid, in my eyes.

As far as a "self hating white person", take your BS somewhere else. See, something you cant agreew ith, something you cant even envision due to your life circumstances, and automatically, " OMG YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLE"

I can have beliefs without resorting to hating a race. Im sorry if your mind cannot comprehend how to do that.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by stinger94

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by celticsea
I saw this and thought it was disgusting. Why do white people get charged so much? All of us are not rich. I think this is reverse discrimination. What ever happpened to treating everybody equal?

Because all of your ancestors ate all of the worlds cookies, not leaving any for anyone else, and left you in position to have the most out of whats left.

Now some people consider it fair that some other people get a chance at cookies too.

Ah, but enough time has passed where every one can bake their own cookies.

Really? So why are all the black ovens in the inner city, and all the native ovens on reservations?

Why are all the white ovens to make cookies in the really nice parts of town?

Maybe I'm not done, because you are everything you so called hate.

Right here really proves how racist and bigoted you are. Not all black ovens are in the inner city. There are
many blacks owning there own businesses, running charities, in charge of states and countries. Not all native American ovens are on reservations, in fact there are a few native American congressmen and Governors. Some own their own businesses as well, and there are plenty of white ovens in the inner cities. You generalize everyone into a category and stick with it. Thank god many of your brethren don't think like you do.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by mishigas

When these students are expelled, they will learn the hard way that liberals NEVER have a sense of humor when it comes to their unquestionable, infinitely-correct and holy beliefs.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by aching_knuckles

Originally posted by Misoir
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Okay so then I am wrong in what I had wrote? The US was not founded by white people? You do not have access to the internet? You do not have freedom of speech? Tell me what I said that was wrong please so I know what to study!

Whites held down other races, then says "Look at all the stuff we did while we held you down! Arent we great?"

So whites founded medicine, huh? So whites made the internet, huh? Who makes all the electronic parts so you can get on the internet? I guarantee your computer wasnt made in america. Oh, and all those other cheap goods you talk about came from white people selling out their own countrymen for a profit, and shipping that # in from china.

but lets not think about that, right?

White people can dirt poor and just as deserving of a break, scholarship, loan or grant.
It is hypocrisy to say that race should only count if it is based upon a certain formula.
This type of mentality with draw out racial distinction long after it is necessary, it needs
to be phased out, it is fast becoming a detriment to the idea of equality.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by celticsea
reply to post by aching_knuckles

Yes there have been injustices done to the native american. But haven't there been injustices done to all people?
Maybe this opinion of yours keeps you from living your life as God would want you to. Making the best of what you have and dealing with the lot in life God gave you. We are all to overcome this world with his help.

I dont know...tell me of all the white european countries that people of color took over, took the land, and sold the people into slavery. Oh thats right, it didnt happen. Its easy to say "Just forget about it" when you werent the one who got punched in the mouth.

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