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NYPD Commisioner Ray Kelly admits to having anti aircraft capability

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by samkent

NYPD is upgrading helicopter fleet replacing older mod BELL with AUGUSTA AW 119 (single engine version
of A109, which are often used as light attack helicopters)

Max speed is listed at 144 kt or 166 mph

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by samkent

While .50 may cause enough damage to crash a jet airliner problem is at 500 mph has enough momentum
to keep going into target

This was found during WWII against Japanese kamikaze

It was found that 20mm (of which ships had multiple mounts, sometimes as many as 60-70 in large capital ship)
while could fatally damage an aircraft or kill the pilot the aircraft would keep coming, often to crash the ship
which shot it down,

Even 40mm which fired 2 lb HE shell several thousand yards father than 20mm was not effective

After WWII Navy replaced 20/40 mm mounts with 3 in/50 caliber automatic guns with proximity fused
ammo . Then replacing them with missiles

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by samkent
I feel a 50 cal would do a nice job on a jet engine. The Air Force has used them for decades on fighters for use against other aircraft.

A plane without engines is not likely to finish it's mission.

The Air Force hasn't used .50 cals on fighter jets for decades, lol.

Sure, they can take out the engines, but what then? I wonder where they would shoot down a plane? Over a populated area? Out to sea only? Even without engines, the plane could make it to it's destination, assuming it's within coasting range.

I also think that "terrorists" would want us to shoot down our own craft. It'a win-win for them.

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by samkent

While .50 may cause enough damage to crash a jet airliner problem is at 500 mph has enough momentum
to keep going into target

And then there's that. I would love to see the sniper that can hit an aircraft, with any kind of accuracy, when it's traveling at 500MPH
edit on 26-9-2011 by AngryAlien because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:06 PM
sheriff joe arpaio in phoenix has an APC with twin 50 cal.machine guns..
"i'll put up barb wire and tents from here to mexico"

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:17 PM
US Army General Wesley Clark released US Army ordinance, so it could be used to kill the innocent women and children at Waco. Burned them alive.

You better believe there's some General who released Surface to Air missiles to NYPD.

General Wesley Clark got away with it.

Remember...George Washington amassed more troops to fight and kill Americans....than the British.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by thedman

I wish we had an airline mech on here. I'm quite sure a 50 cal would sever turbine blades. If one blade breaks the debris will break others as it flows through. One engine out would create an asimetrical thrust condition. Asimetrical thrust would likely overwhelm the pilots from 911.

I used to be one. The airliners used on 9-11 were perfectly capable of flying on just one engine. Their flight crews train for losing an engine so it probably wouldn't bother them too much. Somewhere on ATS there were pictures of a DHS aircraft that had am engine hit by a MANPADS, that plane landed safely.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by AngryAlien

And then there's that. I would love to see the sniper that can hit an aircraft, with any kind of accuracy, when it's traveling at 500MPH

It depends on the angle. If you are able to position yourself ahead of the plane and wait. What would the impact of a 50 cal on the windshield do to a hijackers plans?

Besides if you are faced with another 911 you will try anything.

Plus are we sure he wasn't talking about having a direct line to the NY Air National Guard for bigger help?

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by AngryAlien

And then there's that. I would love to see the sniper that can hit an aircraft, with any kind of accuracy, when it's traveling at 500MPH

It depends on the angle. If you are able to position yourself ahead of the plane and wait. What would the impact of a 50 cal on the windshield do to a hijackers plans?

Besides if you are faced with another 911 you will try anything.

Plus are we sure he wasn't talking about having a direct line to the NY Air National Guard for bigger help?

At any angle, you would need a hell of a lead on the target, and a prayer. Let's also assume that they're doing this from a helicopter (since that's what I heard they have) that doubles the difficulty. If they did take out the cockpit, then we now have an out of control jet, heading who knows where. The idea of shooting down an Aircraft before it "hits it's target" is a bit asinine...

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by AngryAlien

Without a lead computing sight would be almost impossible for any kind of deflection shot

Coast Guard practices using .50 to shoot out engines on Go-Fast cigarette boats used by drug runners

Fire from moving helicopter at target going almost 100 mph bouncing up and down on ocean

Target is engine compartment about 2 ft square

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by AngryAlien

Without a lead computing sight would be almost impossible for any kind of deflection shot

Coast Guard practices using .50 to shoot out engines on Go-Fast cigarette boats used by drug runners

Fire from moving helicopter at target going almost 100 mph bouncing up and down on ocean

Target is engine compartment about 2 ft square

Yes, but the Coast Guard is using .50 cal machine gun, not a sniper rifle. If NYPD was using a .50 cal machine gun, then it would be no problem. I was basing it on the sniper rifle theory.

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