posted on Sep, 24 2011 @ 08:49 PM
when trying to do anything on ats ,its like walking through still new at this smartphone stuf and would like someone to get me up to
how do i get mobile version?every time i find on google and try to download,a popup says request time out.
when i try to get on regular ats ,i have to try like five times before it comes up ,then o have to reload alot of times.
after getting on,i can only get like three pages before i cant expand pages to read.the only thing that helps is turning off phone,waiting ten seconds
and turning back on,then reloading everything again.
sometimes while scrolling ,phone will turn off.
what is app store?do i have to spend money?i would think ats would supply for free.
what does website not responding sure it cant be ats.i imagine ats has a cray computer or ibm att so weak that they blame it on
please sooth my brain as its hard enough just typing on this touchscreen.
this is the only computer i can afford and is my families only phone.i also use it for my daughters homework.thankyou ahead of time for anyhelp you
can provide.crawling now but want to fly.