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Dead Soldier's Father Sets US Gov. Van and Self Ablaze

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posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors

Blast me if you will, and I am certain you will whoever you are.

Not necessary. Comments irrelevant.

Thanks, Marg. I 'preciate the concern.

As for the banning of media, it's true. It's a travesty. It's also a testament to how wrong this all is and how criminal BushCo's policies are.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:01 AM
The relevant item here is that a man chose to react violently to news of his childs death.

I know several who have lost children, none have set themselves on fire.

Thank a vet for your freedom to post here today.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors

Thank a vet for your freedom to post here today.

I await your 'thank you' for my service, then.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:24 AM
East Coast, I know you are a veteran, and thanks for your service to this country.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
Thank a vet for your freedom to post here today.

I do. John Kerry.

While not the sentiment you meant to express I'm sure, I've since come to realize from continued Republican sniping of the "massive impact Kerry's testimony had on swaying public opinion against the war in Vietnam and our eventual withdrawl" that I was thankfully not orphaned as a toddler by my teenage father having to be drafted, and can directly point to my Uncle's large family as another gift from Kerry's testimony (since my Uncle was packed for either jail or Canada when we pulled out).

While I understand the anger some feel at Kerry's comments, why not explore the obvious implications fully? For those so adamant that Kerry ended the Vietnam war with words, count up how many thousands of lives he saved. Our Fathers, brothers, Uncles even children and their children.

Keep in mind I base this argument off Republican logic that Kerry was so single handedly impactful in changing public opinion on Vietnam, so my logic may be flawed. I'll be happy to retract it when Republicans shut up already.

[edit on 26-8-2004 by RANT]

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
East Coast, I know you are a veteran, and thanks for your service to this country.

Your welcome.

It was an honor to serve.

posted on Aug, 26 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I agree with you wholeheartedly on your last post. We should thank Kerry for contributing to ending the slaughter in Asia. To this day no one can even settle on a central reason for why we were there. What an horrific waste.

It's funny, my young father, who went the college route (and was a Republican), was thoroughly opposed to the war. He was adament on taking us to Canada if he was drafted. (Thankfully, his doctor kept him out of it.) The irony? My dad died anyway, right around the time the war came to an end. I was 5 and my brother was two months from being born.

posted on Aug, 28 2004 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by ThePrankMonkey

Originally posted by RANT
I'm really surprised though how given the fact we have video of a US government van burning in an act of defiance, it's not part of a media blitz.

defiance? maybe he was just a grief striken father who felt his world was destroyed by this "news" of his son and felt no need to live any longer.

maybe if he were just a protester i could see the "defiance" you're insinuating here. i'd share his sentiment if it was one of my children.

the fact he was in the van with he lit it up tells me he wasnt in his right mind. an act of defiance owuld have ben setting it on fire period. setting it on fire while inside is suicidal. what state of mind would you be in if this happened to you? level headed? is your first thought gonna be "i'll teach the government a lesson by setting their van AND myself on fire"???

not everyone hates the government rant. i dont like em personaly but come on....his thoughts are on his dead son, not "gettin back" at the government.

What you're not getting here is that he wanted to die. His son probably meant the world to him. If he wanted to meet his son in the afterlife so be it. Reminds me a little of Gladiator...

Furthermore, he probably went insane because he did not believe in this war. This war is so full of bs that people are committing such acts. He doesn't believe his son fought for a cause he believed in or a good cause at all for that matter.

This war has caused more obscurities than any other. Voluntary soldiers deserting, suicides because of loss of family members, etc. President Bush must go down

[edit on 28-8-2004 by Blackout]

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 02:33 AM
Just some more of Bush's victims. I wonder if he or Rove carves the notch in the wall to keep score?

posted on Aug, 29 2004 @ 02:39 AM
What did he achieve from doing this other then his 10 seconds of fame on CNN?

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