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Operation Mountain Guardian

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posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:34 PM

Operation Mountain Guardian correspondents Darrin McBreen and Aaron Dykes are on the ground in Denver, Colorado, covering a massive martial law take-over drill now underway.

More than 100 federal and state agencies are currently involved in Operation Mountain Guardian, billed as a drill to simulate a terrorist attack based on events in Mumbai that killed 164 people in 2008. will post video reports all day. McBreen and Dykes have filed several reports as of this morning:

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:34 PM
I doubt that they'll try to hold a false flag terroist attack or event of some sort today (on a friday) because the lack of attentiveness of the sheeple towards the news. On the 27th of September 3 days away from now on tuesday, Obama is overseeing a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill in one of the United States most secure bunkers beneath the Denver International Airport. A Monday or a Tueday however is definitely a better chance for them to stage something of some sort given the start of a new cycle of the news week and additional 3 to 4 days to download their propaganda and fear into the minds of Americans with their full attention. Also a side note that Comet Elenin has an alignment on the 27th.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Alex is talking with them now saying school buses full of kids are being driven to sports stadiums (FEMA Camps) to be processed. Listen now Live
edit on 23-9-2011 by Brad Jones because: more breaking news

edit on 23-9-2011 by Brad Jones because: correction

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:46 PM
The similarities to 9/11 would be too great, and would be detencted instantly.
I don't think they're that foolish as many people out there would be expecting it.

If a false-flag is ever executed it'll be random, perhaps when the POTUS is out of the country...
edit on 23-9-2011 by Konstantinos because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:49 PM
What is your take on this? Mine is that its likely just an honest exercise that has been performed many times in the past by Homeland Security. However, it is scary the way everyone reports it. It does bring doubt in your mind and fear. So Im honestly asking for you gut instinct with no conspiracy crap. Just honest opinion.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:50 PM
Or it could have something to do with the fact Spetember is National Emergency Preparedness month? These occur at regular intervals throughout the nation. They attempt to make it as real as possible, including using volunteers to act as wounded. They (in some of the drills) do the hollywood effect by making the people look injured.

Martial law training... lolololol

The Paranoia of some is just sad...

Where people get the idea that every sginle person in Federal / State / Local Government, All military units (State / Federal) and all law enforcement agencies (local state federal) are all going to just blindly follow orders to effect martial law and a coup is just funny....

People need to get involved with government at all levels. Participate in the system and be heard. Keep tabs on your elected reps and fire them when they stop representing the people who voted them in.

If by some strange alignment of all the planets stars and moon martial law its, its not the military that will make it successful. The apathy and laziness of the American people when it comes to politics is what will make it successful.

To assume that we wont need assistance from various levels of government during a mass casualty incident is naieve.

Joplin Missouri, when the tornadoes hit, wiped out more than just buildings and houses. It took out communications, emergency dispatch, electricity, water, etc etc etc.

Joplin has about 55k people in the city, and the population of Jasper and Newton county (where the city of Joplin falls) had their own problem.

There was law enforcement present from various federal state and local agencies, in addition to using police from surrounding states. It was done to declare martial law, but to be present if something major occured. Local resources are going to be overwhelemed with a large incident, as we also saw in Katrina.

Some other training upgrades for the military is the setup of some reserved radio frequencies that would allow military units the ability to communicate with local police / fire etc.

Its better to be prepared than hoping for the best.
edit on 23-9-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Brad Jones

Operation Mountain Guardian

Yeah, we have been waiting for this here for about three days. Seems odd that AJ just heard about it. Might want to be careful about putting all your eggs in one basket with AJ. I used to be a fan of his until I started posting on his site and experienced firsthand the censorship of certain issues, mostly religious.

Then there was this;

With all the stuff he reveals he enjoys a nice lifestyle and still seems to be breathing, both of these seem a little odd considering he is giving the show away for TPTB. Personally, my belief is that AJ is cointelpro, and that by telling us what is going to happen he lessens the shock, which seems to be what gets people into the street protesting and trying to cause a change.

Anyway, just a heads up concerning AJ.
edit on 23-9-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2011 by Ittabena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by kellynap43

I think it's definitely a major exercise to prep the mililtary, local police, and state when they due issue Martial Law they'll be ready and they'll excute it and all the Executive Orders with perfection and of course in case of a disaster the Emergency Centers Acts will be implented where people will be put into sport stadiums and schools which of course are FEMA Camps like during Katrina at the Superdome. Like Konstantinos said up above though I doubt they'll stage anything this blatantly in the open because a lot more people are aware and awake now and are watching.
edit on 23-9-2011 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2011 by Brad Jones because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Brad Jones

H.R. 645 was introduced and then referred to committee where it died. It never saw the light of day and it has not been introduced in any other forms.

Not really sure where people still get the idea "FEMA camps" are real.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:18 PM
It is true that this is a training exercise, but what and who are they really training. Yes, on the surface it is a very good idea to be prepared, however this exercise has many levels of training that are underway.

First and foremost it is training the population as a whole that the use of Regular military in peace time is justified inside the boarders of the US.
Next it is training the population that it is warranted to be rounded up, placed on a bus and taken to a “camp” if the Government decides that is what is needed.

It is also training the population that the citizen is subordinate to the Government.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 02:45 PM
this plays right in with what benjamin fulford said in the david wilcock interview.

for the bots that cannot watch videos, he basically says that the strange earthquakes in va and co not too long ago were attacks on the underground bunkers.

if it were true, this would be the type of response id expect.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by brokedown

Its training on how to deal with mass casualty incidents triggered by non conventional non natural incidents. It touches many areas including:

Cooperation between Hospitals in state and out of the area.
Cooperation between Law Enforcement in state and out of the area.
Communications Inter-operability not only between emergency services, but government as well as military.
Coordination of supplies coming in and going out.
Staging points

Other hypothetical situations are tested as well -
What happens if a Hospital is destroyed (occured in Joplin)
What if there is contamination (WMD)
What if there are still active shooters?

A lot of times in the US a mass casualty event revolves around Natural disasters or accidental man made disasters. What doesnt occur to often is a group of people heavily armed going on a killing spree, like what occured in Mumbai.

If you guys are that curious contact Denver City Government and ask for the Public Information Officer assigned to the scenario. You can also check with the military Public Inforation Officer as well.

It revolves areound NIMS - National Incident Management System
Douglas County CO - Emergency Managment information

North-Central Emergency Management Information
Colorado Division of Emergency Management - Operation Mountain Guardian
Colorado State Office of Emergency Management

There is a training exercise for emergency personnel scheduled to occur on Friday, September 23, 2011 in numerous locations across the Denver Metro Area.

Operation Mountain Guardian Emergency Exercise
September 23, 2011
Contact: Lynn Kimbrough at [email protected] 720.913.9025

Operation Mountain Guardian is a terrorism-based full-scale exercise sponsored by the North Central All-Hazards Emergency Management Region, Denver Urban Area Security Initiative, and Front Range Metropolitan Medical Response System. The exercise is a Homeland Security Grant funded event made possible due to grant funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through FEMA Region VIII and the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Homeland Security.

The exercise will involve first responders from approximately a hundred different agencies, will be conducted at ten separate locations and will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day. The exercise has been designed as a learning event for regional first responders to test their capabilities in a scenario that will involve a terrorist-driven catastrophic situation. The exercise is scheduled to begin at 5:00am and end by 4:30pm.

Exercise play will occur at Denver International Airport and the four primary sites:

Park Meadows Mall
Smedley Elementary School
Denver Union Station
Community College of Aurora (Lowry Campus)
Catholic Charities and Sports Authority Field at Mile High will participate in an administrative fashion to test student/teacher processing activities. Sky Ridge Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, and University of Colorado Hospital will participate for the purpose of testing medical surge capabilities and communicating within Incident Command.

For more information on affected bus routes please see the Regional Transportation District's news release.

A Public Information Officer will be available at each primary location to coordinate safe access for media representatives and provide information. A Denver Joint Information Center PIO will also be available at 720-865-7695.

MEDIA: Please contact the Joint Information Center or on site PIO for inquiries related to this exercise (not individual agencies). Media inquiries not associated with this event should continue to be directed to the appropriate agency.

NOTE: This is a training exercise for emergency personnel. To ensure the public's safety, as well as the safety of emergency personnel and all those with a specific role in this exercise, we respectfully ask that the public (non- participants in this exercise) distance themselves from all of the locations in the County in which the exercise is being conducted.

edit on 23-9-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-9-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
Or it could have something to do with the fact Spetember is National Emergency Preparedness month?

You don't think it's remotely possible that our government MIGHT be enacting/implementing/saying one thing and yet doing another?
Do you reside in the United Disgrace of America?

This government is NO good. Corrupt. Our enemy. We are now the terrorists.
National Emergency Preparedness month! You GOT to be kidding me. Look how good FEMA did on Sept 10th! (yes, they were there the day before) and in Nashville floods or New Orleans hurricane. Wonderful job they did!

Why isn't this 'practiced' and done in training school? And why make this public knowledge? I thought they have a need to keep everything hush-hush (like the Pentagon video-tapes). Hey, call me cynical but I never heard of any National Emergency Birth Preparedness Day for doctors.

If you hear "Operation...whatever" or "National.....whatever" and the military is behind it; there is a very good chance (in fact, almost guaranteed) it's covert in nature!

But it's okay. Please.....go on and trust all your Govern (take over) Mental (ones mind) operations. Because they WANT people just like you. They'll probably leave people like me, alone!

edit on 23-9-2011 by Human_Alien because: typos

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:10 PM
nice of ya'll to catch up with this- see previous postings while youre at it.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I would like for nothing more than to debate with you, but before that occurs please, and thisis meant with all due respect, learn what occured in Katrina before making comments. Learn the role of FEMA in disaster situations and please learn under what circumstances FEMA can even be activated.

FEMA cant walk into a disaster scene without being requested by the state and approved by the President.

Keeping tabs on the government is one thing... Seeing conspiracies in everything they do is just not healthy.

Educate yourself and do some research please.

Do you really believe that every single person working in all federal local and state governents, all military at all levels, all law enforcement / emergency servies at all levels, will support a coup?

Do you really want to insult those people by suggesting they cant think for themselves?
edit on 23-9-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Brad Jones

Alex is talking with them now saying school buses full of kids are being driven to sports stadiums (FEMA Camps) to be processed.

THIS is the kind of information I'm eagerly anticipating more of...

]"The sports facilities are the detention/relocation camps..."

Originally posted by 1825114

Originally posted by 1825114
Men suspected of being mercenaries for Moammar Gadhafi, are held in a district sports center next to the medina, set up as provisory jail in Tripoli, Libya, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them of fighting for ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi and holding them in makeshift jails across the capital.

Virtually all of the detainees say they are innocent migrant workers, and in most cases there is no evidence that they are lying. But that is not stopping the rebels from placing the men in facilities like the Gate of the Sea sports club, where about 200 detainees — all black — clustered on a soccer field this week, bunching against a high wall to avoid the scorching sun.

Handling the prisoners is one of the first major tests for the rebel leaders, who are scrambling to set up a government that they promise will respect human rights and international norms, unlike the dictatorship they overthrew.

The rebels' National Transitional Council has called on fighters not to abuse prisoners and says those accused of crimes will receive fair trials.There has been little credible evidence of rebels killing or systematically abusing captives during the six-month conflict. Still, the African Union and Amnesty International have protested the treatment of blacks inside Libya, saying there is a potential for serious abuse.

Aladdin Mabrouk, a spokesman for Tripoli's military council, said no one knows how many people have been detained in the city, but he guessed more than 5,000. While no central registry exists, he said neighborhood councils he knows have between 200 and 300 prisoners each. The city of 1.8 million has dozens of such groups.

Justice Minister Mohammed al-Alagi told reporters this week that he'd visited several detention centers and found conditions "up to international standards."

"We are building a Libya of tolerance and freedom, not of revenge," he said.

Football stadiums being used as prisons after mass arrests follow weekend of government violence in Syria

- Mediterranean City stadium in Banias modified to act as giant jail
- More than 400 residents dragged from homes since Saturday
- Soldiers shoot dead four women as human chain blocks tanks' advance
- UN humanitarian team refused entry to Daraa, despite previous agreement
- Yemen security forces kill six after firing on teachers protesting wage cut

The Syrian government is using football stadiums as makeshift prisons after security forces dragged hundreds of residents from their homes.

Stadiums are being used in at least two cities - Banias and Daraa - after mass arrests were made on Monday, said Rami Abdul-Rahman, director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Security forces broke into homes in the Damascus suburb of Modemiyah and arrested residents arbitrarily as part of government intimidation tactics used to suppress uprisings by protesters asking for reform...

Originally posted by 1825114..."M.U.S.T. - Surveilance tower in a van"

Friday, September 9, 2011

US lawmakers yesterday witnessed a special demonstration of the Mobile Utility Surveillance Tower (MUST), an elevated monitoring tower that is set to be used by law enforcement in the United States as part of an emergency response to civil unrest.

The device, manufactured by Terrahawk, LLC, is basically a high-tech prison guard tower fitted with surveillance and communications capabilities...

Another promotional video for the device shows it being used outside a sports stadium...

Originally posted by 1825114
...speaking of katrina, I just came across this, from 2007. It's fema talking up their cooperation with sports complexes, and the great job they'd done in restoring them after turning them into camps...

BILOXI, Miss. -- Even in the mind-numbing heat that defines summers in Mississippi, boys and girls still eagerly take to the field to play America's pastime. A softball field at the Rudy Moran Sports Complex in D'Iberville, named in honor of a former county employee, will be open for business within a week and local high school softball teams can hardly wait.

The softball field was used as an emergency temporary housing site for nearly 40 families after Katrina. Two years later, the trailers are gone and teams are gearing up to play again...

...The parks and recreation director receives regular help from Jerry Harper, a FEMA contractor monitor...

..."We understand housing people is more important than sports. And all of our leagues have been great about working with each other knowing FEMA trailers were still out here,"...

Eight of the 12 closed parks that temporarily housed more than 600 families across the Gulf Coast have been remediated and returned to their local communities.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to, and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.
combine that/them with the national guard's responsibilty to deal with civil unrest...

Originally posted by 1825114
FEMA Partnering With Minor League Baseball

Since 2004, the Ready Campaign has partnered with Citizen Corps and Minor League Baseball™ to help spread the importance of emergency preparedness to baseball fans at stadiums nationwide. Minor League Baseball stadiums have provided the Ready Campaign with the ideal venue and opportunity to reach millions of baseball fans and their communities to encourage them to get prepared. "encourage them to get prepared for disaster," it kind of seems like they mean "get them acclimated to the pressence of troops, weaponry, and military vehicles around the sports complex" ...

just look at the list of scheduled demonstrations and their descriptions. here's the year prior...

...and so on and so forth...

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 03:32 PM
Infowars is such a drama queen. Not over a hundred agencies, and not martial law practice. Yeah spin that crap far and thin, whydontchya.

So there's this. I was watching Robin Meade in the Morning (my most favorite news source ever) and she did an excellent 15 second piece on FEMA, and she capped it by saying that FEMA's budget would run out in a week. That's an excellent piece of information, considering the new budget is issued OCT 1.

This exercise is obviously just an exercise to the first responders involved, and it's OBVIOUSLY some kind of cover up for those of us who just KNOW that everything is a cover up and a gear up for TSHF. Nothing is what it seems, even if it is.

Alex Jones needs to go back to creativity school, and give up his tired old bent. There's plenty of better fiction to spew repeatedly and endlessly. And for the love of GOD, the 'poetic' license for the purpose of riling his minions has to be minimized.

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:03 PM
From a FEMA 1st Responder: What would you have us do? Train when its convenient for the public and not around a time that can be "conspiracy potentially " oriented?

Why dont some of you conspiracy instigators VOLUNTEER and join us? Then you'd shut the heck up and we could use the help.

Paranoia will get you nowhere, and its counter productive to helping yourself, your family and communities. Be prepared...and do it calmly and thoughtfully. Many lists are available of things to do and items to purchase.

Again. WE HAVE TO TRAIN. Sometime the dates jive with other things. NO, we dont have any other agenda except to be prepared.

Are you? Put up or shut up. Volunteer. Do something other than speculate. We can use all the help we can get.
Then youll know the real deal.

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 23 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by lo7s3v3n7ol
Infowars is such a drama queen. Not over a hundred agencies, and not martial law practice. Yeah spin that crap far and thin, whydontchya.

So there's this. I was watching Robin Meade in the Morning (my most favorite news source ever) and she did an excellent 15 second piece on FEMA, and she capped it by saying that FEMA's budget would run out in a week. That's an excellent piece of information, considering the new budget is issued OCT 1.

This exercise is obviously just an exercise to the first responders involved, and it's OBVIOUSLY some kind of cover up for those of us who just KNOW that everything is a cover up and a gear up for TSHF. Nothing is what it seems, even if it is.

Alex Jones needs to go back to creativity school, and give up his tired old bent. There's plenty of better fiction to spew repeatedly and endlessly. And for the love of GOD, the 'poetic' license for the purpose of riling his minions has to be minimized.

I agree with you that AJ is passionate and promotes a lot of "drama". However, I have heard him emphasize that he does this to wake people up while informing us about very important issues obfuscated by the MSM.

edit on 9/23/2011 by ontarff because: spelling

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